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2021 Letter to Stakeholders

A highly FOCUSED organization on the brink
of major contributions to healthcare

Dear Stakeholders,

It is truly an honor to serve as Executive Chairman and CEO of Leonhardt’s Launchpads by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. the innovation and startup accelerator arm of Leonhardt Ventures LLC. I feel blessed to be able to do work that I love every day, highly FOCUSED on developing breakthrough innovations with people I love working with as part of an amazing team. It is one of the great honors of my life to help lead this team with a long legacy of achievements in the medical industry. Our research team, board, and advisors have over 2000 peer-reviewed publications, over 2000 patent claims and have had leadership roles in over 500 pre-clinical and clinical studies. It is fair to say we have assembled an all-star team of industry veterans with proven track records, com-plemented by recruiting some of the brightest rising young stars.

In any given month we may have more than 300 people working on our projects in one form or another. This incredible team of inspiring leaders shares a common vision of leading healthcare into a new era, driven by applying bioelectronics and biologics with advanced delivery systems towards regenerating and healing organs.

Our team is highly focused on applying our core IP in bioelectronics, delivery systems, and biolog-ics to meaningful innovations in one single FOCUSED area – organ regeneration and recovery. The competitive advantage of our organization is rapid innovation FOCUSED on
organ-specific applications of regeneration and recovery. This is precisely where we dedicate the lion’s share of our resources and time.

The business model of our organization is simple and focused.
We patent, develop and accelerate, through first in human clinical trials, organ-specific applications of our core IP in bioelectronics, delivery systems, and biologics and then seek a strategic acquir-er/partner to take them through commercialization. We keep our FOCUS where we believe we are amongst the best in the world – rapid breakthrough innovations in organ regeneration and recovery at low cost.


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