Leonhardt Ventures LLC and its subsidiary Leonhardt’s Launchpads are proud members of University Lab Partners at UCI Research Park https://www.universitylabpartners.org/uci-research-park where they employ bioengineers, biologists and startup launch specialists in accelerating a full pipeline of innovations https://leonhardtventures.com/development-pipeline/
Four products patented and developed by Leonhardt Ventures LLC and incubated at Leonhardt’s Launchpads are set to launch in selected markets 1Q 2023 by a marketing and sales firm focused subsidiary Lionheart Health, Inc. www.lionhearthealthstim.com
1. BodStim TM www.bodstim.com – bioelectric body suit for enhancing benefits of exercise featuring patented up regulation of klotho a powerful muscle building and anti-aging protein.
2. SkinStim TM www.skin-stim.com – patented bioelectric and biologics based skin regeneration featuring bioelectric controlled release of tropoelastin and COL17A1 two powerful skin regeneration proteins. People lose expression of elastin that creates skin elasticity at puberty and we patented technology to turn that switch back on.
3. HairCell TM www.haircellstim.com – patented bioelectric and biologics based hair regeneration.
4. ErectiStim TM by MyoStim ED – patented bioelectric and biologics male sexual health technology for regenerating blood flow, aging muscle and nerve brain connections to organ.
OrthodontiCell www.orthodonticell.com – another portfolio patented technology for rapid teeth straightening via bioelectric stimulation is moving into a multi-center USA clinical trial now. A previous clinical study in Brazil demonstrated a reduction of average of 18 to 24 months to straighten teeth down to 3 to 6 months.

BioLeonhardt www.bioleonhardt.com and Valvublator www.valvublator.com two flagship innovations of the portfolio, targeting native heart and heart valve regeneration, are completing pre-clincial studies with new product improvements in preparation to begin a new round of clinical studies in 2023. Leonhardt Ventures LLC previously sponsored and published Pilot, Phase I, Phase II and Phase II/III clinical studies for heart regeneration utilizing muscle stem cells (immature myoblasts) with a one time injection protocol. The new BioLeonhardt studies include daily injections of muscle stem cells mixed with a host of support factors and continuous 24 hour a day bioelectric stimulation, via a pacemaker like device, that controls expressions of regeneration promoting proteins and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Second Heart Assist www.secondheartinc.com another Leonhardt portfolio holding is also preparing to enter a 2nd round of clinical studies in 2023 with the world’s first aortic stent based circulatory assist pump.
About Leonhardt Ventures:
Leonhardt Ventures LLC www.lventuresnestg.wpenginepowered.com founded in 1982 is an invention and venture creation lab (formerly HJ Leonhardt & Co.) that has become a world leader in developing breakthrough medical technologies. In the 1980’s they developed, patented and brought to market the PolyCathTM line of cardiovascular balloon catheters. In the 1990’s the TALENT (Taheri-Leonhardt) stent graft for aortic aneurysm repair and StentValve one of the first percutaneous heart valve systems. Since 2000 the focus as been in applying the convergence of bioelectric stimulation and biologics for organ regeneration, longevity and healing. Over 600,000 patients have been treated with Leonhardt inventions to date.
About Leonhardt’s Launchpads:
Founded in 2008 Leonhardt’s Launchpads is the portfolio shared R&D incubator lab arm of Leonhardt Ventures LLC. In 2013 Leonhardt’s Launchpads and Leonhardt Ventures LLC, and its portfolio of innovations/startups, entered an agreement with Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. www.calxstars.com of Southern California for providing management and mentoring support services including startup launch and innovation acceleration assistance in exchange for a seed stage equity position in selected portfolio startups/innovation assets.
About Octane:
Octane is a convening organization of the Southern California technology and medical technology business ecosystem by connecting people, resources and capital. We will help create 55,000+ high-paying technology jobs in Southern California by 2030 through our accelerator LaunchPad SBDC as well as our platform Octane Capital & Growth. In addition, Octane hosts dozens of programs throughout the year and has direct access to capital and partners. We believe that action focused locally has impact globally.
Brian Hardy
email: Brian@fizzpopmedia.com
Howard J. Leonhardt
Executive Chairman & CEO
Leonhardt Ventures
1 Kent Court
Mission Viejo, CA 92695
R&D Lab
Leonhardt’s Launchpads
at University Lab Partners at UCI Research Park
5270 California Avenue
Irvine, CA 92617