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Jorge Genovese, MD, PhD

Vice President Bioelectric Research and Development
Leonhardt’s Launchpads, BioLeonhardt, Stem Cell Bra, HairCell

Background & Experience
• Dr. Genovese obtained his M.D. and Ph.D. from Buenos Aires University
• Faculty member of the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, where he was the Principal Investigator at the Center for Cardiac Cell Therapy and the Cardiac and Molecular Biology Laboratory
• He was Director of the Cardiac Regenerative Medicine Laboratory at the Cardiac Surgery Division, University of Utah
• Dr. Genovese was also Invited Cardiac Surgery Professor at Campus Biomedico University in Rome
• Dr. Genovese has been very active in the Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS), chairing numerous committees and serving a term as Vice President
• He is Editor of the Journal of Stem Cells, Associated Editor of the Frontiers in Stem Cells Journal, member of the Editorial Committee of the World Journal of Stem Cells
• Member of the North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Association
• Former President Hearten Biotech. Vice President Bioelectric Research & Development BioLeonhardt
• Dr. Genovese is a pioneer of Tissue Engineering in Latin America, being the first in the region to generate keratinocytes cultures in 1985, an organotípico dermoepidermic device in 1998, and a genetic modified dermo-epidermic device in 2002, among many other tissues
* Dr. Genovese is co-inventor with Howard Leonhardt on many bioelectric stimulation patents for organ regeneration and healing –

“Electrical stimulation induces dramatic changes in stem cell activity toward a clear regenerative phenotype. Exogenous electrical currents activate and mobilize autologous stem cells in vitro and in vivo. Cell movement and cell positioning are important components of regeneration and the right bioelectric signals can get regenerative repair cells to where they need to be. Bioelectric signals can turn up or turn off proliferation. They can cause new blood vessels to grow or can suddenly halt blood supply, as may be needed in the case of starving cancer tumors. Certain bioelectric signals can even affect cell elimination through programmed cell death. Experiments have proven the ability of bioelectric stimulation to induce or augment regeneration, which is our area of greatest research interest.” Dr. Jorge Genovese