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Strengthens deep pipeline of longevity and wellness intellectual property
Leonhardt Ventures LLC, and its commercial distribution arm Lionheart Health, Inc., has filed a series of patent claims for bioelectric controlled expression of the SESTRINs family of anti-aging proteins based on data from its affiliated R&D lab in Irvine, California
Sestrins (Sesns) are a family of highly conserved stress-responsive proteins.  Sestrins have been identified in numerous studies to have powerful anti-aging properties. Studies have demonstrated that increased circulating sestrins can help increase the benefits of exercise in less exercise time.  Sestrins may prevent atrophy of muscles from disuse or aging.  They exhibit cardioprotective actions to help prevent hearts from damage.  Sestrins seem to have a strong role in preventing or reversing aging related skin wrinkles.  They could have a role in preventing hair loss.  Via counter acting oxidative stress they may have a significant role in staving off neurodegenerative disorders such as memory-loss, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.  Sestrins possibly could have an important role in preventing cancer tumor growth progression.
Sestrins may have a role in protecting lung damage in COVID-19 patients. Leonhardt Ventures LLC is leading careful research to explore many of these potential useful applications of this breakthrough patent pending technology.
“In our R&D lab studies that fed the data to support this pioneering patent application we have demonstrated repeated reliability of increasing selected SESTRIN protein family expressions by up to 190% with only 30 minutes of stimulation time across a variety of tissue and cell types including muscle derived myoblasts. These studies included precise controlled frequency, current intensity, pulse duration, pulse width and shape to get these optimal expression results.  We look forward to now to the hard work to translate these exciting lab results into helping people fight back many of devastating effects of aging and disease.”  Stated Dr. Jorge Genovese VP of Bioelectric Regeneration Research at Leonhardt Ventures, Leonhardt’s Launchpads and Lionheart Health, Inc.
Sestrins, highly conserved stress-inducible metabolic proteins, are known to protect organisms against various noxious stimuli including DNA damage, oxidative stress, starvation, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and hypoxia. Sestrins regulate metabolism mainly through activation of the key energy sensor AMP-dependent protein kinase (AMPK) and inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). Sestrins also play pivotal roles in autophagy activation and apoptosis inhibition in normal cells, while conversely promoting apoptosis in cancer cells. The functions of Sestrins in diseases such as metabolic disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer have been broadly investigated in the past decades.  The Leonhardt Ventures team is committed to now translate some of these well investigated applications into clinical use and helping patients have better outcomes.
This patent filing adds to the long list of Leonhardt organ regeneration, longevity, wellness and healing bioelectric protein expression patent claims issued or pending which include;  klotho (issued), inflammation management (issued), tumor suppression (issued 12 patents), kidney regeneration (issued), skin regeneration (issued), multi-modality erectile dysfunction treatment (issued), hair regeneration, stem cell homing via SDF1 and PDGF (issued), tropoelastin for restoring elasticity (issued), COL17A1 for skin and hair regeneration, Sirtuins and NANOG for anti-aging, BDNF and serotonin for mental health, BMP9 and OPG (issued) for bone regeneration, RANK-L, nerve regeneration (issued), sonic hedgehog, CXCL5, eNOS, HIF1a, EGF, HGF, Activins, muscle regeneration (issued), IGF1, S100a, hypertension management (issued) and, vision recovery, hearing recovery, knee osteoarthritis treatment and diabetes treatment.
Lionheart Health, Inc. is bringing to market now SkinStim TM, ErectiStim TM, HairCell TM and OrthoStim TM with FDA 510K market clearance via our OEM manufacturing partners for improving circulation, muscle tone and muscle recovery treatment, pain/inflammation relief and arthritis/osteoarthritis treatment.  Also BodStim TM a bioelectric body exercise suit with FDA clearance for augmenting the benefits of exercise via secreted myokines related particularly to more rapid muscle building.  All the above have been tested in vigorous pre-clinical research since 2008 at Leonhardt’s Launchpads and at affiliated clinical research sites around the world prior to market launch this year.
“We are an innovation team that continuously works on strengthening our intellectual and technology platform. This new patent filing adds to a long pipeline of data driven invention discoveries to help extend longevity and wellness. Our goal is to be the recognized world leader in longevity and wellness technology development and delivery. Our team focuses it’s  regenerative medicine research work  at the convergence of bioelectric protein expression controls and biologics.” Stated Howard Leonhardt Executive Chairman and CEO and Co-Inventor.