Leonhardt Ventures Fall 2012 Newsletter
“The men and women that hold high places must be the first to start to mold a new reality closer to the heart” Neal Peart
October 22, 2012, Santa Monica, California – Leonhardt Ventures has never had a more exciting or productive year than 2012! Here are some quick updates on our activities. Since 1981 Leonhardt Ventures founded companies and products have raised more than
$145 million in capital and have achieved over $5 billion in revenues creating over 10,000 direct jobs and 100,000 in-direct jobs. Our most successful developed and patented product the TALENT (Taheri-Leonhardt) stent graft and related peripheral vascular products achieved approximately $800 million in annual sales this past year*.
CLICK ON ANY LOGOS BELOW TO GET MORE INFORMATION on product launches and companies
*- Talent sales data includes new generations + related peripheral accessories and other OUS cos that taken up patented design.
Peripheral stent graft business based in Santa Rosa up 12% – May 2012 – Click Here
The Talent stent grafts are performing very well in the U.S. – Click Here
“History provides abundant examples of people whose greatest gift was in redeeming, inspiring, liberating, and nurturing the gifts of others.” Sonya Rudikoff
Leonhardt Vineyards
Leonhardt Vineyards shipped it’s 8000th case of Zinfandel to Trader Joes earlier this year. Our wine is carried at 120 stores throughout the state of California.
- Leonhardt Vineyards in this our 13th year of business bottled in September our first ever Chardonnay varietal. We crafted a special new black and gold label for this vintage. Mauricio Soto and Ryan Leonhardt were the winemakers for this fine wine. We are predicting better than 96 points in rankings. The wine will be ready to ship as early as December.
- Leonhardt Vineyards purchased it’s first field of cabernet sauvignon grapes this fall from a farmer in Northern Sonoma County near Cloverdale.
- Before Leonhardt Vineyards began sponsoring the San Francisco Giants baseball team (see behind home plate ad 2010 below) they had not won a world series since 1954. They have now won 2 in 3 years! The Giants organization has made us feel like family giving us special terms, based on the timing of new wine releases, to finish paying for our ad campaign with them for which we are grateful.
- Leonhardt Vineyards exported it’s first 400 cases of wine to China in 2011/12.
- To pre-order our new release Leonhardt Vineyards Chardonnay (ships December 2012) or Cabernet (in barrels now) email Ryan@leonhardtvineyards.com
Thanks for making Leonhardt Vineyards Zinfandel the No. 1 Selling Family Owned Winery Zinfandel in Trader Joes 120 California Stores in 2012!
Crowdfund! TV Show
- Working with Go Go Luckey the team that created and produced hit shows such as Laguna Beach, The Hills, Paranormal State, Nashville and Decoded we have participated in developing a new TV Show called Crowdfund!
- Two of the major networks presented the concept have expressed interest to move forward. One of them has already provided a contract. We hope to begin airing in February. In the meantime we have The Lions Den TV Show online https://leonhardtventures.com/the-lions-den/
- Howard Leonhardt of Leonhardt Ventures will be one of the co-hosts for the show. The show will highlight mentoring of companies.
Bioheart, Inc.
- 95.7 to 52 Bioheart MyoCell beats Mesoblast MPCs in side by side Phase II/III clinical trial performance in the primary end point measure of exercise capacity improvement in heart failure patients via 6 min. walk testing.
- Mesoblast, Inc. is valued at over $2 billion which by comparative performance measure standards should value Bioheart well above that. Bioheart is further along in clinical trials than Mesoblast and has a deeper patent portfolio. Bioheart’s board and management team has brought numerous cardiovascular related products from concept to market leadership in the past.
- 95.7 to 53 Bioheart MyoCell beats Cardio3 C-Cure Cardiac Stem Cells in side by side comparison – 6 min. walk.
- 95.7 to 53 Bioheart MyoCell beats Capricor Cardiac Stem Cells in similar clinical studies – 6 min. walk.
- 95.7 to 10 Bioheart MyoCell beat Osiris/Hare Allogeneic Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells in similar clinical studies – 6 min. walk.
- Bioheart MyoCell (immature myoblasts) are the only cell type known to be able to form new contractile muscle in the depths of heart scar tissue.
- Over 400 patients have been enrolled in myoblast clinical trials since June of 2000.
- Since 2000 84% of myoblast treated patients have improved only 16% have worsened. Over 69% of control or placebo patients worsened.
- Bioheart, Inc. has raised over $107 million to date since 1999 that has allowed the company to advance further in clinical trials than any other stem cell company focused on growing new contractile muscle in heart scar tissue – Phase II/III MARVEL approved to enroll at up to 35 sites in the USA.
- Bioheart beat it’s primary end point goal in the MARVEL Phase II/III clinical study by 500%! 95.7 to 16 in exercise capacity improvement.
Bioheart Inc. Early Pioneer of Stem Cell Therapies for the Heart Publishes list of Landmark Firsts and Milestones. – Click Here
BioHeart Dec. 31, 2011 Founder & CTO eNewsletter with links to peer review published clinical study papers – Click Here
Bioheart Corporate Profile – Click Here
Bioheart CTO Research Analysis Report July 2012 – Click Here
Refer to SEC Filings of Bioheart for stock risk warnings and additional info http://www.bioheartinc.com/Investors/SECFilings
MyoStim Pacers
- MyoStim Pacers www.myostimpacers.com a Bioheart, Inc. spin out based in San Diego has developed the world’s first CRT heart failure pacemaker with the capability to recruit stem cells to damaged heart tissue and to convert those cells to working muscle.
- MyoStim Pacers has three pioneering patents covering the ability to grow new blood vessels, to recruit stem cells, to multiply stem cells, to promote healing and to convert recruited stem cells to contractile muscle within heart scar tissue. Existing pacers only get healthy heart tissue to twitch a bit stronger but do nothing to recover heart scar tissue. MyoStim’s most important patent claim covers the very defined program that converts pluripotent stem cells to beating cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells).
- MyoStim Pacers has developed a 2nd product for improving blood flow in limbs and accelerating healing of diabetic foot ulcers and other peripheral wounds.
- A 30 patient Pilot Clinical Trial is preparing to be launched for the MyoStim peripheral wound healing device at selected centers in California, Poland and Mexico.
- MyoStim Pacers OEM manufacturer has received CE Mark and FDA approval for the same electrical stimulation device for heart pacing with different programmed parameters. The U.S. manufacturing plant is ISO 9002 certified.
- MyoStim Pacers will pursue a 510K 90 day pre-market notification method for FDA marketing authorization for the electrical stimulation program for improving blood flow in legs and enhancing healing. Since the device is already approved for another more critical indication of use this application processing is expected to be short.
- MyoStim Pacers holds three pioneering patents from inventors Howard Leonhardt, Juan Chachques and Shinichi Kanno. These patents cover creating new blood vessels and new heart muscle from release of angiogenic and myogenic proteins that home stem cells to the heart and covert them to beating cardiomyocytes. The pioneering flagship claim is the ability recruit then convert pluripotent stem cells into beating cardiomyocytes (pumping heart muscle).
- Patent US6988004 – Method for inducing angiogenesis by electrical …
- Patent US7483749 – Method of enhancing myogenesis by electrical …www.google.com/patents/US7483749 Jan 27, 2009 – Advanced Patent Search … Patents. The present invention provides a method for enhancing regeneration of the … Howard J. Leonhardt et al …
- Patent US7341062 – Method of providing a dynamic cellular cardiac …www.google.com/patents/US7341062The…http://www.google.com/patents/US7341062?utm_source=gb-gplus-share PatentUS7341062 – Method of providing a … Method of providing a dynamic cellular cardiac support … Inventors: Juan C. Chachques, Howard J. Leonhardt …
- BioPace another Bioheart, Inc. spin out based in California is completing pre-clinical studies to prepare to complete the first ever human implantation of a biological pacemaker (made of autologous living cells) in the history of man.
- It is anticipated by the development team that biological pacemakers will obsolete electronic steel can battery powered pacemakers with steel leads within the next two decades.
- BioPace Patent US5103821 – Method of providing a biological pacemaker …www.google.com/patents/US5103821A process for providing a biological pacemaker for the human heart wherein the sino-atrial (S-A) node cells are removed from the … Inventor: Wendell L. King …
- Patent US6690970 – Biological pacemaker and implantation – Googlewww.google.com/patents/US6690970A biological pacemaker and implantation catheter for restoring normal or near normal heartbeat function … Inventors: Syde A. Taheri, Howard J. Leonhardt …
- Stem Cell Bra www.stemcellbra.com based in Los Angeles is developing the world’s first women’s bra able to recruit stem cells to breast tissue to augment size and fullnees.
- The stem cells are recruited to the target breast tissue via an electrical signal which causes various protein releases. The stem cells are recruited from the patients own fat, bone marrow, muscle tissue and circulating blood.
- The Stem Cell Bra team is working with Dr. Joel Aronowitz the renowned breast surgeon from Cedars Sinai UCLA that treated the actress Suzanne Somer’s post cancer breasts successfully with stem cells + fat tissue.
- Patent pending via application filing by Hodgson, Russ & Goodyear – Inventor: Howard J. Leonhardt
- This Northern California based company is focused on utilizing muscle stem cells to treat small aortic aneurysms and to reinforce the aneursymal necks in stent graft treatments.
- George Golik the founding President of AortCell died this year un-expectingly at age 53. A foundation is being set up whereby 5% of all profits of AortaCell for eternity will be given to help support his children. RIP our friend George.
- George golik – Legacy.com www.legacy.com/Link.asp?I=LS000156222817Mar 2, 2012 – GOLIK, GEORGE, 53, passed away February 28, 2012. Georgegraduated from Columbus High School and Florida State University. He was a …
Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator
- Y Combinator was recently named the top business accelerator in the USA and is valued at over $8 billion. Cal-X Stars has set a goal to reach this No. 1 position within 7 years.
- The Cal-X Stars model is to have a greater equity position in more disruptive technologies than competitie accelerators.
- Cal-X Stars is the only accelerator with a direct connection to a newly forming stock exchange – The California Stock Exchange.
- Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator is currently mentoring 26 breakthrough technology companies.
- Cal-X Stars mentored companies include; Roozt (cause brands), Cheryl Fudge (a build a bear like concept for fashion), BioHealthomics (treats migraines), Mountain Riders Alliance (manages ski resorts and more – just completed successful crowdfunding campaign), Age Reverser (rubber band hair clip that lifts face tissue – just got on the Home Shopping Network), Minneapolis Trolley (fun transportation) and Wine Vision (smartphone Shazam type app for scanning wine bottle labels providing full info on wine).
- Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator has hired Methven Law to file a California Qualification by Permit Application with the State of California with intent to initiate a $5 million capital raise – www.calxstars.com
- Cal-X Stars is forming the Cal-X Stars Startup Funding Club modeled after the successful Funders Club in Silicon Valley.
- Cal-X Stars has an unprecedented portfolio lineup of disruptive technology companies – http://calxstars.com/?page_id=33
BizBest named Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator to its Silicon Beach shortLIST
The California Stock Exchange
- Cal-X The California Stock Exchange has a 7 year goal to become the 3rd leading stock exchange in the USA – www.leonhardtventures.com
- Cal-X has the motto “this is not your father’s stock exchange” and intends to offer a revolutionary model for a stock exchange.
- Cal-X highly vetts and mentors all companies before listing them on an exchange board.
- Cal-X publishes a 15 page report of strengths and weaknesses on all companies.
- Cal-X publishes a probability of survival score for all listed companies.
- Cal-X requires an endorsing investor with experience in the field to stand beside and for the company.
- Cal-X nurtures all companies on it’s exchange especially those in trouble and asks all the other companies on it’s exchange to help prop up companies that have hit a slump.
- Cal-X intends to attract a whole new class of investor by emphasizing social good companies and local investing.
- Cal-X is in early registration application stage with intent to file with the SEC to first be a listing service for Direct Public Offerings and later a full fledged stock exchange. In the meantime Cal-X serves as a business accelerator network.
- Cal-X intends to be a bridge between being private and being listed on NASDAQ. We will allow up to 90 days for sell orders to be placed. Private you basically cannot sell at all. NASDAQ you sell in minutes. We offer limited liquidity in-between. This is designed to help companies with lightly traded stocks to have time to find a suitable buyer at a reasonable price – for price stabilization.
- Cal-X has partnered with EquityNet www.equitynet.com for Business Plan Analysis, Valuation Determination, Crowdfunding and other services.
- Cal-X has partnered with ZimpleMoney www.zimplemoney.com for microloan services.
- Cal-X has partnered with www.crowdfunder.com to offer crowdfunding portal services.
- Cal-X introduced this week the Cal-X Crowdfund Calculator to help firms determine the right size for the crowdfunding offering.
- Cal-X has created alliances with www.crowdfundingplanning.com, www.crowdfunder.com, www.crowdsourcing.org, www.equitynet.com and www.fundingroadmap.com and other organizations to help firms prepare for crowdfunding.
Leonhardt’s Launchpads
- Leonhardt’s Launchpads www.leonhardtslaunchpads.com has organized to be a health technology (medtech & biotech) focused business incubator working out of the University of Northern California Science and Technology Innovation Centers in Petaluma, California and their sister building in Berkeley on University Avenue near Cal Berkeley.
Wine Country Baseball
- URL to watch Wine Country Baseball Opening Day video http://vimeo.com/12625286
- Sponsorship information WCBsponsorshipBrochureInside-2.pdf WCBsponsorshipBrochureOutside-2.pdf
- Wine Country Baseball www.winecountrybaseball.com enters it’s 4th season of play in Sonoma and Napa counties. The league has played more than 200 games in it’s history at over 8 ballparks. 15 franchises have participated in league play to date. 12 Wine Country Baseball formed franchises and 3 guest teams.
- Anchor franchises include; Sonoma Grape Crushers, Napa Knights, Santa Rosa Gnats, Rohnert Park Dragons, Petaluma Piratas, Healdsburg Owls, Windsor Wonders, St. Helena Frost Angels, Oakville Aces, Yountville Robins, Sebastopol Apples, Cloverdale Bandits.
- The goal of Wine Country Baseball is to grow to be “The Cape Cod League of the West”.
- The league features primarily college or out of college players that have hope to get signed to a pro baseball contrast.
- Wine Country Baseball has had 5 players signed into pro contracts so far.
- The league is designed to be in the future the preferred destination of MLB scouts to view a consolidation of the best talent from around the country.
- John Goelz the legendary baseball coach at Sonoma State University has been signed aboard as a consultant to the league.
- In 2012 the league changed to a tournament format after two seasons of full regular league schedule play. The WCB Board will meet this off season to establish a new schedule for 2013 – www.winecountrybaseball.com
Cheryl Fudge Fashion
- July of 2012 Leonhardt Ventures made an investment into Cheryl Fudge Fashion www.cherylfudge.com
- Cheryl Fudge Fashion is “The Build A Bear of Fashion”.
- Cheryl Fudge Fashion teaches creativity, self esteem and the beginning of entrepreneurship to kids and young adults.
- Leonhardt Ventures has merged all of it’s former Nicole-Leonhardt Fashions plans and initiatives into fully helping Cheryl Fudge Fashion which was ahead of us in executing on a similar business plan.
- Cheryl Fudge Fashion has stores on Montana Ave. in Santa Monica, Disneyland in Anaheim and in Nantucket, MA.
- Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator is a strong believer in Roozt and their give back platform. A portion of every purchase gives back in one form or another.
- Roozt is “Bringing the Sexy Back to Giving Back” by promoting give back brands.
- Humanitarian
- Eco-Friendly
- Ethical
- Community
The Kindheart Lionheart Radio Show
- Over 10 episodes have aired to date on www.OCTalkRadio.net
- The opening show on “Women’s Access To Capital” reached over thousands of listeners. Here is a link to that podcast http://kindheartlionheart.podbean.com/2012/08/24/welcome-to-the-kindheart-lionheart-radio-show-08-09-12/
- Show is focused above all on advancing the movement of conscious capitalism. Kindheart stands for compassion and Lionheart for courage.
Radio Veronica USA & Radio Santa Monica USA
- Our online radio stations Radio Veronica USA and Radio Santa Monica USA began airing on FM Turntable, Mixpod.com, Facebook and our own web sites 24 months ago. We have again and again proven our ability to introduce new hits as much as a year in advance of their widespread play on mainstream radio.
- The original Radio Veronica was a pirate radio station that broadcast from a ship between Holland and England in the early 1960’s.
- Radio Santa Monica USA is meant to feature local Los Angeles area bands and concerts – www.radioveronicusa.com and www.radiosantamonicausa.com
Local DJ Radio
- Local DJ Radio is bringing the concept pioneered by Patch.com to bring hyper local coverage to local news and customized delivery of that news to radio.
- We intend to bring back the age of the local DJ that knows his local market by heart and lives in and cares about his or her community. That develops real relationships with members of the local community.
Kindheart Lionheart Media Co.
- Online retailer and publisher of inspirational books, music and movies.
- Ana Free our first produced music artist has achieved more than 30 million hits on YouTube. Kindheart Lionheart Media Co. Co-Produced Ana Free’s Debut CD Radian.
- The Kindheart Lionheart Book/CD/DVD Club is launching just in time for this holiday season – this is a great gift idea for your friends and family – www.kindheartlionheart.com – cost about $20 a month to give inspiration that can change lives!
- A number of helpful contributors and partners have been added to our web site www.kindheartlionheart.com
- We are preparing to publish our first inspirational book Dolphin Smiles: The Legend of Kindheart Lionheart. A story about a dolphin that recalls in narration to other dolphins his previous life as a human. A text with deep spiritual lessons and leadership lessson in every chapter. A love story that attempts to transcend the ultimate barrier……..death.
Get To Know Ana Free Video – Click Here
Kindheart Lionheart Ana Free Radian CD Release Video – Click Here
Ana Free Questions on My Mind Video from Kindheart Lionheart Produced Radian CD – Click Here
Stay tuned to http://anafree.com/ and http://www.kindheartlionheart.com for information about the release of Ana Free’s new album To Get Her due out soon and her upcoming concert tour.
Kindheart Lionheart Adventures
- We help people organize vacations to do good for others with charitable giving of their time to needed projects in help to the poor and needy – www.lionheartadventures.com
- We help foundations raise money for their causes with a creative number of adventures ideal for auctions.
Lucille’s American Cafe’s
- Our 12th year of stellar sales with over $2 million in revenues and strong profitability – www.lucillescafe.com
- Leonhardt Ventures developed a full franchise program for the restuarant chain.
- Leonhardt Ventures developed a food truck strategy for the company and established working partnerships with food truck builders.
- Leonhardt Ventures sold an additional portion of our ownership (50% of the flagship Weston, Florida restaurant) to Paul and Beth Nunez, our original working partners. The end result is that Leonhardt Ventures and the Nunez Family now have an equal 50/50% ownership position in Lucille’s American Cafe’s which entails 50/50% ownership of the logo, trademark, recipes and operating procedures assets essential for our long term franchising strategy.
- The company has a goal to have 30 food trucks around the nation within the decade end and to have 16 restaurant franchises in place.
Artists Cafe NYC
- Working with our local New York City partners Michelle Easterlin and Camya Ramsey we are preparing to hold our first Artists Cafe NYC event this next spring at a location near NYU.
- We take over coffee shops normaly idle during evening hours and turn them into a showcase for artists of all types.
Heart Score
- Do you know your HeartScore? Is our simple marketing campaign – see http://heartscore.co/
- HeartScore is a composite score of questionnaire, genetic tests and an artery scan.
- HeartScore develops customized heart disease risk prevention plans and has an app to ensure compliance.
- HeartScore helps hospitals and patients stay within ACC, AHA and HFSA guidelines for reduction of hospitalizations from heart failure and heart disease with a complete compliance monitoring and scoring system.
- HeartScore sells natural nutritional supplements to help reduce heart disease risk especially inflammation.
- HeartScore sells a full array of genetic tests.
- HeartScore will earn income by being a sales affiliate for heart healthy and prevention products and services.
- HeartScore will sell heart health related books and DVDs online.
- HeartScore will offer gift packages who want to give the gift of a healthy heart and cardiovascular system to others they love,
- HeartScore will offer house calls from nutrition and health experts to coach people on living heart healthy lives.

Clinical Data from first 20 patients in Europe 1st Generation Reitan Catheter:
- Cardiac output improved 31% from 3.7 liters/min. to 4.9
- Pulmonary artery pressure reduced by 14% from 38.5 mmHg to 33.
- Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure reduced by 22% from 26 to 20 mmHg.
- Mean CVP reduced by 25% from 19.5 to 14.5 mmHg.
- Urine output increased from 60ml to 148ml at 24 hours.
“World’s Smallest Heart Pump on a Catheter with the Highest Flow Rates – The HePoc Heart Pump on a Catheter”
- This new technology is designed to save lives by providing temporary support for patients who are experiencing advanced cardiac failure or shock in recovering from heart attack.
- The HePoc can also be used as a pump for high-risk, critically ill patients who need to undergo angioplasty or stenting procedures to open blocked arteries.
- This device can also be used to assist the heart during ablation procedures when a patient experiences a life threatening arrhythmia.
- The HePoc and Cardiobridge Reitan comes in two models with flow rates of 5.0 liters/min. and 7.3 liters/min at 23mms aorta diameter.
- The HePoc and Cardiobridge Reitan feature easier deployment compared to other systems.
- HeartPumpCath is working with a small firm in Europe to develop and market a collapsible low profile heart pump catheter which is expected to get CE Mark approval in 3Q 2013 with a following U.S. PMA study application likely in 2014 with support from the HeartPumpCath team. This device is placed in the descending aorta. It opens up like a percutaneous vena cava filter and has a pop open propeller pump inside. Data from 30 human patients demonstrates 31% improvement in cardiac output and substantial renal function recovery. For full data slide deck see – www.heartpumpcath.com
- The HeartPumpCath’s plan is to introduce the collapsible propeller pump design in 2013 and follow with advanced turbine like second and third generation products in 2014 and 2015.
- Our leading competitor Abiomed is achieving $185 million in annual sales with about 81% gross profit margin – see Nov. 1 report here
- This product also competes with the aortic balloon pump market with over 180,000 patients annually.
- HeartPumpCath’s first target market will be advanced heart failure patients with renal dysfunction (acute decompensating heart failure) whom numbers nearly 20 million patients worldwide.
- CMS and Insurance reimbursement for this procedure is $36,000 to $80,000 for cardiogenic shock as applied by competitor Abiomed in clinical commercialization.
Food Trucks & Scooters
- Food Trucks & Scooters builds out food carts and helps set up and support people to own their own businesses.
- This is more than just a company it is a movement. We help people that never got a chance to open their own business to have that ch ance.
- We provide extremely easy financing terms and take people with no credit or bad credit.
- We train and nurture all the business operators.
- We help the operators crowdfund their food carts and provide easy financing terms even for those with no credit or bad credit.
- We provide a full array of back office support services so the operators can focus on sales.
- We are partnering with Inventure to provide simple text message based accounting from the field.
- Food Trikes & Scooters are stepping blocks to Food Trucks which are stepping blocks to owning a full restaurant.
- We work hard to especially help inner city young people looking for direction in their lives to have a chance to own their own business.
The Task Runners
Leonhardt Ventures and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator has been mentoring The Task Runners www.thetaskrunners.com
- The Task Runners are your productivity All Stars handling any task that needs to get done when it needs to get done.
- Sofia Yepes has assembled a great team and her company The Task Runners is growing spectacularly.
- The Task Runners is the no. 1 place to outsource your errands!
- This team can even handle help with preparing your tax returns.
- They can manage rental properties.
- They can be your virtual assistant. We use TheTaskRunners exclusively at Leonhardt Ventures and Cal-X.
Leonhardt Ventures Portfolio History
Leonhardt Venture’s Founder Howard Leonhardt has 20 issued U.S. Patents for Inventions for Treating Heart and Cardiovascular Diseases. These patents are the foundation for a majority of the Leonhardt Ventures funded and supported enterprises. Leonhardt Ventures companies have acquired rights to or have had issued over 60 U.S. patents. Approximately a dozen new patents are pending at this time including Stem Cell Bra.
Leonhardt Ventures patented devices include; percutaneous heart valve and delivery system, stem cell delivery catheters latest issued in 2010, cardiovascular balloon catheters, artificial lung catheter, radiation delivery system, stem cell compositions for heart repair, heart failure pacemaker with capability to recruit stem cells, electrical device capable of multiplying stem cells with less growth factors, electrical device capable of improving blood flow, electrical device capable of accelerating healing of wounds.
- 1981 – Exxim International – export trading company. Peak sales $1 million annually.
- 1982 – American Industrial Corporation – supplying avionics internationally – Peak sales $14 million annually – Eugene Howard Leonhardt and Marjorie Leonhardt.
- 1983 – America General Medical Corporation – building cardiac cath labs, critical care units and providing hospital supplies internationally. Peak sales – $9 million annually.
- 1984 – IMA Medical Group – exporting cardiovascular devices and supplies. Peak sales $3 million annually.
- 1986 – World Medical Corporation – First 100% owned co. – helping small manufacturers of cardiovascular devices to reach export markets. Peak sales $3.2 million annually.
- 1988 – World Medical Mfg. Corporation – Developer and manufacturer of patented devices for treating heart and cardiovascular disease. Starting with cardiovascular balloon catheters and evolved to stent graft systems, percutaneous heart valves, stem cell delivery systems and an artificial lung device. Peak sales $9.2 million before merger with Arterial Vascular Engineering in April of 1998. Product line has now grown to over $800 million in annual sales post merger with the TALENT (Taheri-Leonhardt) stent graft and it’s offspring leading the way. Sales in over 70 countries.
- 1997 – Dolphin Smiles: The Legend of Kindheart Lionheart book series launched.
- 1999 – Bioheart, Inc. – a leader in applying adult muscle stem cells to treat advanced heart failure. In Phase II/III clinical trials at 35 leading heart failure centers in the USA. Over $145 million in capital, grants and loans raised. Successful IPO on NASDAQ in 2008. Beat primary end point goal in Phase II/III U.S. Clinical Trial by over 500%. Goal was 16 meters improvement in exercise capacity over placebo and Bioheart MyoCell achieved 95.7 meters improvment over -4 meters decline placebo performance.
- 2000 – Bioheart launches Pla2 genetic test to determine risk of blood clotting in arteries (heart attack risk) which has now become the standard of care in 2012.
- 2000 – Leonhardt Vineyards formed in Dry Creek Valley Sonoma County with purchase of 15 acres of land. Peak sales $800,000 annuallly.
- 2000 – Leonhardt Ventures purchases 79% of Lucille’s American Cafe’s holding company and 50% of flagship Weston, Florida restaurant. Peak sales $2.2 million annually.
- 2001 – Bioheart completes first case in history of stem cell repair of damaged heart tissue without surgery in Rotterdam, The Netherlands – case was broadcast live to a live audience of cardiologists in Paris, France of more than 10,000.
- 2003 – Leonhardt Ventures purchases minority stake in Miami Morays Indoor Football Team.
- 2004 – Leonhardt Ventures purchases majority ownership of Florida Frenzy Indoor Football Team that plays at the Hard Rock Casino & Resort Arena in Davie, Florida.
- 2006 – Founded Public Policy Institute The Entrepreneurship Party – began lobbying to reduce the cost and complexity of small companies raising capital in that later partially resulted in what was signed into law as the JOBS ACT and Crowdfunding bill in April 2012.
- 2008 – Kindheart Lionheart Media Co. formed – Online retailer and publisher of inspirational books, movies and music. First featured and produced artist Ana Free has achieved more than 30 million hits on YouTube!
- 2008 – The California Stock Exchange planning task force is formed – After it cost Bioheart $4.8 million to undertake a $6.5 million IPO on NASDAQ a task force was formed to begin the work to form a new stock exchange better suited to smaller firms – www.leonhardtventures.com – today more than 60 partners have joined this movement.
- 2009 – Leonhardt Vineyards 2007 Zinfandel wins Gold Medal at Sonoma County Harvest Fair.
- 2009 – Kindheart Lionheart Adventures formed – charitable giving vacations + special adventures to be auctioned at charitable foundation events to raise money for causes. Leonhardt Ventures has donated and helped raise over $1.4 million for various charities including the Dan Marino Children’s Hospital.
- 2009 – Wine Country Old Fashioned Baseball League formed in Sonoma and Napa Counties – Plans to be “The Cape Cod League of the West” featuring players with hope to be seen by scouts and signed into pro baseball contracts. Over 200 games have been played now entering our 4th season of play. 5 WCB players have been signed into pro contracts.
- 2010 – Artists Cafe NYC formed – preparing to stage artists showcases at night in coffee shops that have closed for the evening in Manhatten and Brooklyn.
- 2011 – Radio Veronica USA and Radio Santa Monica USA online radio stations launch with intent to break great new music early for listeners that engage primarily via smartphones, iPads and computers.
- 2011 – MyoStim Pacers is spun out of Bioheart, Inc. to San Diego – World’s first heart pacemaker able to recruit stem cells to the heart and to convert those recruited cells to beating heart muscle. A 2nd quicker to market product helps to improve blood flow and heal wounds in legs. Based on two Leonhardt patents and a Kanno patent.
- 2011 – Biopace is spun out of Bioheart, Inc. to California – World’s first biological pacemaker made of living cells.
- 2011 – Leonhardt Ventures and The California Stock Xchange become the major sponsors of the launch of StartupCalifornia in California a region of the Startup America Partnership.
- 2011 – Cal-X forms special alliances with EquityNet, ZimpleMoney, Merriman Capital, SocMe Academy, CrossCampus, TopHatRank, Kis Public Relations, Methven Law, 4ColorFlyers, InvestorPitchClinic, CoFoundersLab, Cutting Edge Capital, Crowdfunder.com, FundingRoadMap and Crowdfunding Planning Inc. to offer support services to emerging companies.
- 2012 – The Kindheart Lionheart Radio Show Launched on OCTalkRadio.net and other outlets – featuring stories of compassion and courage a showcase for the emerging era of conscious capitalism. The first episode on “Improving Women’s Access to Capital” was heard via podcast by more than 20,000.
- 2012 – The Crowdfund! TV Show – Working with Go Go Luckey the creators of hit TV shows Laguna Beach, The Hills, Decoded, Paranormal State and Nashville we have created a unique new show on startup companies. This will be aired on network television starting in February.
- 2012 – Leonhardt Ventures invests in Cheryl Fudge Fashion “The Build a Bear Company of Fashion”. Stores on Montana Ave. in Santa Monica, at Disneyland in Anaheim and Nantuckett. Stores have been visited by Ben Affleck’s kids and President Obama’s kids amongst others.
- 2012 – Leonhardt Ventures invests in Roozt that “Is bringing the sexy back to giving back” featuring brands with a give back philosophy.
- 2012 – Leonhardt Ventures backs the Kickstarter Campaign of CitizenTekk a silicon valley based new online magazine featuring the hottest tech startups and their innovative technologies.
- 2012 – Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator is formed in California with the goal to surpass Y Combinator as the No. 1 ranked accelerator in the country within 7 years.
- 2012 – Stem Cell Bra launched in Los Angeles with Dr. Joel Aronowitz of Cedars Sinai UCLA – World’s first women’s bra that recruits her own stem cells to her breast tissue with a homing signal that augments size, fullness and firmness without surgery. Clinical trials are being planned. Leonhardt patent pending.
- 2012 – Cal-X Stars launches HeartScore – Do you know your heart score? is their marketing slogan. They offer full line up genetic tests for heart disease risk, heart health nutritional supplements and and access to a network of artery scanners.
- 2012 – Cal-X Stars launches HeartPumpCath – A heart pump on a catheter designed to compete against the Abiomed Impella catheter which has reached great success in the market.
- 2012 – Cal-X Stars launches Food Trikes & Scooters – Much more than sales of food carts this company helps people to open their own business that may not of had any other chance. We are partnering with Inventure, Crowdfunder.com, and The Task Runners to offer low cost text based accounting, microloans, crowdfunding services and back office support to these food vendors.
- California Women’s Conference 2012 attended by 20,000
- Startup Weekend USC -Los Angeles
- Tech.co Tech Cocktail Events in Los Angeles and San Francisco
- Women 2.0 Founder Fridays
- Chic CEO
- Google Ventures and VatorSplash Startup Sessions @ Google Startup Labs
- Dolphin Tank Panel Springboard Entreprises
- Conscious Capitalism Summit
- Startup California
- Startup LA
- Startup Sonoma Napa
- Startup Orange County
- Startup San Diego
- Startup Bay Area
- Startup America Partnership
- Startup Circle San Diego Crowdfunding Events
- The JOBS ACT and Crowdfunding Bill
- Biz Now Sonoma
- Local Investing and GoLocal Sonoma
- North Bay Biz Journal
- Caypen
- Orange County Business Journal.
- Los Angeles Business Journal.
- LA Weekly.
- The Heart Failure Society of America Annual Meeting
- Wine Country Baseball
- The San Francisco Giants
- The Dan Marino’s Children’s Hospital.
- The Los Angeles Children’s Hospital
- SideWalk Angels Foundation
- Artists Against Hunger
- Cell Therapy Foundation
- University of Florida Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (on board since 2000 – sponsored business plan competition and venture academy for 7 years)
- Florida International University Center for Entrepreneurship.
- Florida International University Biomedical Engineering School.
- UCLA Biomedical Engineering School
- Cross Campus Entrepreneurship Education & Business Incubator Santa Monica, California
- Anoka Technical College and Anoka Ramsey College Entrepreneurship Institute Initiative.
- University of Minnesota Entrepreneurship Program
- University of Northern California Science & Technology Innovation Center
- Musicians on Call for Terminally Ill
- The Jason Taylor Foundation
- Crowdfunding Bootcamp
- It’s Just Good Business by Jeff Klein
- Over 30 Crowdfunding Events in California.
Cal-X Initiates Collaboration with IPO Village
Equity Crowdfunding NASDAQ IPOs
Leonhardt Ventures in the Media
Click the logos to read the full article
Los Angeles Business Journal Article on Crowdfunding https://leonhardtventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/LABJ-12032012-1.pdf
TV Interview California Women’s Conference
Tech Coast Angels Open Forum TV Interview with J. Richa – Click Here
Barbara Seymour Online TV Interview on Startup SoCal about Startup California – Click Here
Order the book by Ash Kumra Confessions of an Entrepreneur from www.kindheartlionheart.com – Includes Chapter: My Advice to New Entrepreneurs by Howard Leonhardt
Direct link to publisher of book http://www.hyperink.com/Confessions-From-An-Entrepreneurvolume-1-b90717178DD
Cal-X Stars and Leonhardt Ventures helped Citizen Tekk to successfully complete their Kickstarter Crowdfunding campaign!
Please support Cal-X and Leonhardt Ventures in promoting Degreed Inc. crowdfunding campaign.
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Contribute At: www.degreed.com
Soho Loft Conference – Evolution of The Capital Markets
Howard Leonhardt, The California Stock Exchange, Speaks at the November 2011 FEE Summit
Cal-X Overview
Leonhardt Ventures was created to inspire Entrepreneurship, Education & Creativity.