Leonhardt Ventures Portfolio 2022 Clinical Trials Listing
Enrolling in Clinical Trials 1Q 2022
1. PressureStim www.pressurestim.com
2. MyoStim ED ErectiStim TM www.erectistim.com
3. HairCell www.haircellstim.com
4. BladderCell www.bladdercell.com and B-Alive www.b-alivestim.com
5. OrthoStim www.ortho-stim.com
6. DentaCell www.dentacellaccelerator.com
7. SkinStim www.skin-stim.com
8. KidneyCell www.kidney-cell.com
9. BreatheStim www.breathstim.com
10. ArchStim www.archstim.com
11. ImplantStim www.implantstim.com
12. BodStim with Wiemspro www.bodstim.com
13. Stem Cell Bra www.stemcellbra.com
Previously Completed Pilot Clinical Study Preparing to Enroll in Next Study
1. Second Heart Assist, Inc. www.secondheartinc.com
2. OrthodontiCell, Inc. www.orthodonticell.com
3. RegenaLung with CovidStim https://leonhardtventures.com/regenalung/
4. EyeCell www.eye-cell.com
5. Instim www.instimcell.com
6. TestiStim www.testistim.com
7. Vascustim www.vascustim.com
8. SpineStim www.spine-stim.com
In Pre-Clinical Studies Preparing for Clinical Studies
1. BioLeonhardt www.bioleonhardt.com (previously completed 80+ clinical cases with myoblasts alone)
2. DepressiStim www.depressistim.com (clinical study set to launch 2Q in Brazil)
3. Valvublator www.valvublator.com (working with researcher in Italy that has already completed a case)
4. CerebraCell www.cerebracell.com
5. MemoryStim www.memorystim.com
6. TremorStim www.tremorstim.com
7. CancerCell www.cancercellinc.com
8. EarCell www.ear-cell.com
9. PancreaCell https://leonhardtventures.com/pancreacell/
10. LiverCell www.livercellstim.com
11. VibroCell https://leonhardtventures.com/vibrocell/
12. SecondBrain www.secondbrainstim.com (working with researcher in Porto Alegre that has already completed a case)
Note – A number of clinical studies have been completed by independent investigators that we believe are following our patent claims. A separate list will be sent of these studies.