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Leonhardt’s Launchpads innovation accelerator completes move of its headquarters to the wet lab incubator operated by University Lab Partners in a specialized fully equipped and staffed facility in Irvine, California. 

IRVINE, Calif., November 24th, 2020  – Leonhardt’s Launchpads, an innovation and startup accelerator focused on organ regeneration and recovery technologies, has completed the move of its headquarters from Playa Vista to Irvine, California  with R&D lab bench space secured at University Lab Partners 

Leonhardt’s Launchpads has 35 organ specific startups and Licensable Technology Platforms in its 2021 portfolio class that leverage its core IP platform of over 800 patent claims that are issued, pending, licensed or optioned, including 9 issued patents for bioelectric treatment of cancer – 17 products are in the clinical stage of development and 18 are in preclinical studies. The core IP platform is primary based on bioelectric controlled regenerative protein expression, a re-fillable micro infusion pump and a proprietary mixed composition for organ regeneration, but also includes endovascular delivery and stent systems.

“Having access to this R&D laboratory facility with the best of the best equipment is a dream come true for researchers like me” stated Dr. Jorge Genovese, Vice President of Research at Leonhardt’s Launchpads and co-inventor of many related patents.  Dr. Genovese was formerly a researcher at the McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine in Pittsburgh and the Director of Cardiac Regeneration Lab at the University of Utah. He is world renowned for his pioneering work over the past 30 years on bioelectric-controlled protein expression for regenerating hearts and other organs.  Dr. Genovese will be working full time, leading all Leonhardt’s Launchpads lab and pre-clinical experiments at the Irvine R&D lab location and at the California Medical Innovations Institute starting on February 1st, 2021.

Leonhardt Launchpads develops innovations within these product groups:

(1) Heart & Cardiovascular – – 9 startups

(2) Brain – – 4 startups

(3) Cosmetic, Reproductive Health & Personal Care – – 11 startups

(4) Major Organ Regeneration – 10 startups

(5) Cancer – – 1 startup

Leonhardt’s Launchpads also has two full-staffed, dedicated R&D labs in Salt Lake City, Utah. It also has affiliated branches in Pittsburgh, Minneapolis, Santa Rosa, Australia, Brazil and The Netherlands.  Previously the company had R&D lab space at Lundquist Institute in Torrance. Leonhardt’s Launchpads has a special working relationship with the California Medical Innovations Institute for multiple funded pre-clinical studies in North San Diego County located just south of new headquarters. Existing and developing research collaborations with CalTech, USC, UCLA, Pepperdine University, UC Irvine, Pacific Neurosciences Institute and UCSD make Irvine an ideal central location for Leonhardt’s Launchpads.

“The Leonhardt’s Launchpads is exactly the type of innovation organization we had planned to attract to the Orange County region when we developed our wet lab incubator.  Their management has a proven track record of bringing multiple products from concept to saving and improving thousands of lives and they seem to be on the brink to do it again.”  stated Karin Koch, University Lab Partners’ Ecosystem Director.

Several of Leonhardt’s Launchpads innovations are in clinical studies, including the Second Heart Assist device which is an aortic stent based circulatory assist pump, BladderCell and a bioelectric and biologics systems for bladder regeneration, HairCell for hair regeneration, SkinStim for skin regeneration, MyoStim ED for erectile dysfunction treatment and OrthodontiCell for accelerated teeth straightening.  Those that are preparing to enter clinical studies are: Valvublator a catheter-based technology to decalcify and regenerate heart valves obviating the  need for an implant, PressureStim bioelectric therapy for controlling high blood pressure/hypertension and BioLeonhardt a combination bioelectric and biologics mix therapy for regenerating damaged hearts.  The most ambitious long-term project of the group is the development of a whole-body regeneration chamber, a “womb for adults”, designed for total body regeneration.

Amongst the team’s patent claims are inventions for bioelectrically controlling stem cell homing, proliferation and differentiation.  Also bioelectric control of improvement of elasticity of tissues via controlled tropelastin expression.  Perhaps the most important invention announced last year is bioelectric controlled expression of Klotho a powerful anti-aging protein known to be useful in numerous applications including fighting inflammation, muscle regeneration, dementia recovery,  calcification prevention and cancer recovery.

Leonhardt’s’ Launchpads primary bioelectric stimulator production facility is at Mettler Electronics in Anaheim, California only a 15 minutes drive from the new Irvine headquarters location.  Mettler Electronics is a 3rd generation family owned business that has been producing high quality medical grade electronics products since the 1950’s with multiple FDA market clearances in place.

The Leonhardt’s Launchpads innovation accelerator is supported by a large team of mentors, advisors, board of directors and active management and a world class scientific advisory board –
About Leonhardt’s Launchpads:

Privately held Leonhardt’s Launchpads, now headquartered in Irvine, Calif., has over 600 patent claims related to bioelectric- and biologics-based organ regeneration and recovery and has enrolled more than 800 patients in organ specific clinical studies to date.  17 products are in clinical studies and 18 in pre-clinical studies at this time. Leonhardt Ventures LLC the parent of Leonhardt’s Launchpads by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. has been developing medical innovations since 1982 and is most known for the PolyCath line of cardiovascular balloon catheters in the 1980s, the TALENT stent graft, Pro-Cell stem cell delivery catheters, RadiCath radiation delivery catheters and the StentValve percutaneous heart valve in the 1990s. The TALENT stent graft and its follow-on generations has a world-leading market share today for non-surgical endovascular aortic aneurysm repair with Medtronic with approximately $1 billion in annual sales including accessories. Since 2000, the group has primarily focused on stem cell, biologics and bioelectric signaling based organ regeneration and recovery technologies. In 2001 the team led the first non-surgical stem cell repair of a human heart in The Netherlands. In 2016 they adapted the platform aortic stent graft technology they had originally developed in the 1990’s to an aortic stent based wireless powered circulatory assist pump technology which has been spun out into Second Heart Assist, Inc. as a stand alone corporation now also in clinical studies for cardio-renal syndrome heart failure.  See

About University Lab Partners: 

University Lab Partners is an independent, non-profit wet lab and medtech incubator in Irvine, CA. University Lab Partners enables lifescience and  medtech companies to access unique research capabilities and a network of technical, business, and talent resources at an economical cost.  See