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2023 Top Goals
(subject to change)

Leonhardt’s Launchpads

Things to Get Done
Priority Lists by Product Group & Startups/Innovation

Heart & Cardiovascular

1.  Second Heart Assist 
a.  Complete cardio-renal syndrome heart failure pilot clinical study. 
b.  Advance development of wireless platform. 
c.  Further build IP estate. 
d.  Secure a strategic commercialization partner.  
2.  BioLeonhardt
a.  Complete large animal studies at California Medical Innovations Institute San Diego.
b.  Complete first in human pilot study OUS. 
3.  Valvublator
a.  Complete large animal studies at California Medical Innovations Institute San Diego.
b.  Complete first in human pilot study OUS. 
c.  Build IP estate. 
4.  PressureStim
a.  Complete OUS clinical study.
b.  Launch USA clinical study.
c.  Secure strategic commercialization partner. 
AortaCell, VibroCell, Vascustim, BioPace continue to develop IP estate. 

Brain and Neuroscience Group

1.  DepressiStim
a.  Complete OUS clinical study.
b.  Launch USA clinical study.
c.  Complete pre-clinical study at California Medical Innovations Institute with longer durations and new signals. 
d.  Finish development of Brain Band TM II 2nd generation design with UCI Engineering team.
e.  File FDA 510K. 
f.   Raise $1 million in capital. 
2.  MemoryStim www.memory-stim.coim
a.  Launch OUS clinical study. 
3.  Second Brain www.secondbrainstim.coim
a.  Launch OUS clinical study. 
b.  Build IP estate. 
4.  AddictiStim
a. Launch OUS clinical study. 
5. TremorStim 
a.  Complete OUS pilot study.
b.  Build IP estate.  
c.  Hire a President.
c.  Raise $30 million in capital from VCs. 
6.  SpineStim
a.  Complete 2nd grant supported USA clincial study this time with BodStim suit.
7.  CerebraCell 
a.  Build IP for CerebraCell Brain-N-HanceTM 
b.  Add additional bioelectric protein expression signal IP. 
c.  Complete Brain Band TM II 2nd generation development.

Cosmetic, Reproductive Health & Personal Care

1.  Skin Stim 
a.  Launch sales USA and worldwide on Mettler 240 platform – $4995 via Lionheart Health non-dilution path. 
b.  Get or source 510K for portable stimulator.
c.  Gather additional clinical data. 
d.  Find commercialization partner/acquirer. 
2. ErectiStim by MyoStim ED
a.  Launch sales USA and worldwide on Mettler 240 platform – $4995 via Lionheart Health non-dilution path. 
b.  Find commercialization partner/acquirer. 
3.  HairCell 
a.  Launch sales USA and worldwide on Mettler 240 platform – $4995 via Lionheart Health non-dilution path. 
b.  Find commercialization partner/acquirer. 
4.  OrthodontiCell
a.  Launch USA multi-center clinical study.  2nd clinicial study. 
b.  Raise $1.2 million in capital.
c.  Get or source 510K for portable stimulator. 
d.  Find commercialization partner/acquirer. 
5.  ImplantStim 
a.  Launch 2nd USA clinical study. 
b.  Raise $1.2 million in capital. 
c.  Get or source 510K for portable stimulator. 
d.  Find commercialization partner/acquirer. 
6.  TestiStim
a.  Complete clinical study.
b.  Launch USA and worldwide sales on Mettler 240 platform. 
c.  Get or source 510K for portable stimulator. 
7.  Stem Cell Bra
a.  Launch USA clinical study.
b.  File 510K application. 
c.  Get or source 510K for portable stimulator. 
d.  Find commercialization partner/acquirer. 
8.  BreatheStim and ArchStim 
a. Complete 2nd USA clinical study. 
b. File 510K application. 
c.  Get or source 510K for portable stimulator. 
d.  Find commercialization partner/acquirer. 
9.  KlothoYears by KlothoBios
a.  Build sales worldwide especially in the USA via Lionheart Health non-dilutive. 
10.  DentaCell Accelerator
a.  Build IP estate. 
b.  Raise $300,000 in capital. 

Major Organ Regeneraton

1.  OrthoStim
a.  Launch USA and worldwide sales $4995 each on Mettler 240 platform via Lionheart Health non-dilution path. 
b.  Complete OUS clinical study knee osteoarthritis.
c.  Find commercialization partner/acquirer. 
2.  BodStim by BioLeonhardt Whole Body
a.  Launch USA and worldwide sales $4995 each on Wiemspro platform via Lionheart Health non-dilution path. 
3.  EyeCell
a.  Complete USA multi-center clinical study. 
b.  Complete pre-clincial duration safety study and new signals study at California Medical Innovations Institute. 
4.  BladderCell and B-Alive
a.  Finish BladderCell plus Biologics OUS clinical study. 
b.  Complete new pilot study with B-Alive with wearable pants. 
c.  Launch B-Alive on USA and worldwide markets via Lionheart Health non-dilution pathway.  
e.  Source portable stimulator with FDA 510K market clearance and CE Mark. 
d.  Find commercialization partner/acquirer. 
5.  InStim 
a.  Launch clinical study for bowl inflammation disorders. 
a.  Continue to build IP estate. 
7.  KidneyCell
a.  Complete longer duration treatment OUS clinical study adding BodStim suit.  3rd clinical study. 
EarCell, LiverCell and PancreaCell continue to build IP estate.  Seek out strategic funding partner. 


a.  Complete clinical study in Brazil at 2 sites with BodStim suit. 
b.  Continue to build IP estate. 
c.  Raise $3 million in capital.