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Aorta Positioned Circulatory Assist Pumps
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High Flow
Low Profile
Wireless Power Option
Incorporating VibroCell vibrational technology designed to minimize risk of thrombosis
Two Models:
1. Temporary circulatory assist support pump(s) on tip of endovascular aortic catheter.
2. Removable chronic wireless powered implant circulatory assist pump within an aortic stent.
Designed to (proper randomized blinded placebo controlled clinical data is not available yet to support these intended uses yet) :
• Reduce heart work load and improve perfusion.
• Improve renal function.
• Get acute decompensating heart failure patients back to normal hemodynamics.
• Support heart regeneration procedures.
• Help patients recover from cardiogenic shock.
• Reduce risks associated with percutaneous catheterization interventions (High Risk PCI).
• Help patients on amputation list to recover their limbs when used in combination with limb regeneration technologies such as bioelectric protein release and stem cell/growth factor composition injections (Limb Salvage).
- Super Easy Aorta Position Insertion
- Stable Over Time
- Provides hemodynamic support in minutes.
- Designed to minimize heart valve damage.
- Designed to minimize coronary re-perfusion injury.
- Low shear stress on blood. Minimizes hemolysis.
- Only circulatory assist pump with VibroCell vibrational energy designed to reduce thrombosis risk reduction.
- Wireless power option designed to reduce infection risk compared to external drive line systems.
- Wireless power designed to improve patient quality of life.
- Designed to reduce end diastolic pressure.
- Designed to reduce end diastolic volume.
- Designed to reduce oxygen demand of myocardium.
- *5 to 6 liters of flow per minute depending on aorta diameter and impeller speed.
* Estimated.
Investigational Use Only: Not Available for Sale. Product not yet tested to support any clinical claims. Early stage development.
Second Heart Assist, Inc.
370 S, 300 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
California research liaison office
Second Heart Assist, inc.
2000 Main Street, Unit 333
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Second Heart LLC is incubating within Leonhardt’s Launchpads Utah, Inc. the World’s First Organ Regeneration Focused Innovation and Startup Accelerator – web site: https://leonhardtventures.com/leonhardts-launchpads-utah/ Second Heart LLC is partnered with the innovation studio Useable in Salt Lake City, Utah – http://www.useable.com/
Research Lab @ BioInnovations Gateway, 2500 S State St., Suite D224, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Leonhardt’s Launchpads Utah, Inc. is majority owned by Leonhardt Ventures www.lventuresnestg.wpenginepowered.com and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. http://calxstars.com/what-we-do/
WARNING: Early stage development. NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE. INVESTIGATIONAL USE ONLY WITH PROPER REGULATORY CLEARANCES ONLY. Animal use only at this time. Prospective, randomized, multi-center, double blinded, placebo controlled clinical evaluations of Second Heart circulatory assist pumps to assess safety in supporting cardiovascular haemodynamics in patients have yet to be completed. No clinical claims for these devices are supported at this time.
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