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Leonhardt’s Launchpads by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc.
Investor Relations

Q: Where do my investment funds go to invested in the innovation accelerator with 2:1 warrant options for stakes in portfolio Licensable Technology Platforms?
All the bills for all the Licensable Technology Platforms (organ or purpose specific assets) are paid for out of the central Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads bank account. All investments are deposited in that account. If the accelerator fails to secure a strategic partnership/acquisition under an Asset Purchase/Sale Agreement for any organ specific Licensable Technology Platform following first in human clinical study results and issued patents then they may pursue the path to spin the Licensable Technology Platform out into a separate C corporation with its own bank account, board, tax returns, insurance accounts, software licenses etc. This path will likely only be taken if all avenues for selling under an Asset Purchase/Sale Agreement have been fully exhausted over many years. If an investor of > $250,000 wishes to include in their Term Sheet offer for investment that the their 2:1 allocation of warrants to a particular Licensable Technology Platform be used to trigger a spin out into a C corporation the accelerator board will likely approve that request and will target at least 50% of those funds for that target spin out startup and it’s particular product developments.
Q: What is the relationship between the associated entities, their ownership structure and their individual functions?
Leonhardt Ventures LLC founded in 1982 (original HJ Leonhardt & Co.) is the parent organization and the originator of nearly all our inventions and venture creation startups. Leonhardt Ventures LLC has a large variety of assets holdings in addition to biotech and medtech inventions and startups which include Leonhardt Vineyards wine making, The California Stock Exchange TM startup, The Kindheart Lionheart TV Network, Leonhardt Food & Beverage which includes Lucille’s American Cafes restaurants plus Wine Country Baseball franchises and the Cal-Impact Social Good Impact Innovation and Startup Launch Accelerator  Medtech development pipeline >
Voting and Actual Ownership is 100% Howard J. Leonhardt
Cal-Xelerator founded in 2011 is the 108 day create to great innovation and startup launch accelerator specializing in life sciences and social good impact. Each year a select number of Leonhardt Ventures LLC venture creations, innovations or startups enter the 108 day create to great CalXelerator bootcamp program  The best of the best of the grads are invited to join the longer term innovation and startup launch accelerators Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. or Cal-Impact Social Good Impact Accelerator.   
Voting Ownership Leonhardt Ventures > 50.1%, Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. – 20%, Others 29.9%. 
Leonhardt’s Launchpads founded in 2008 is Leonhardt Ventures LLC the biotech and medtech incubator program with access to R&D labs, resources and researchers in a variety of locations with headquarters in Irvine, California.  Leonhardt’s Launchpads has an operating and collaboration ‘powered by’ agreement with Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. for providing support in multiple forms to the innovations and startups incubating in the Leonhardt’s Launchpads incubators.  This agreement is similar to the ‘powered by’ agreement TechStars Accelerator has or has had with many incubators and accelerators such as the Disney Accelerator or Cedars Sinai Healthtech Accelerator in Los Angeles.  Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. provides introductions, startup launch documents, mentorship and other typical services provided by innovation and startup business accelerators in exchange for 9% dilution floor equity in pre-emptive right to purchase up to 20% ownership right up to graduation (graduation is upon completion of first in human studies). Leonhardt’s Launchpads subsidiaries may earn equity in startups and innovation assets by this formula up to 3% for proving meaningful new IP, up to 3% for providing important positive supporting data with about 1% cap on pre-clincial data and 2% cap on good statistically significant peer reviewed published clinical data, up to 3% for providing meaningful funding > $1 million in the form of net profits, research grants, strategic partnership funding or investments. 
Voting Ownership 100% Leonhardt Ventures LLC
Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. founded in 2013 is the innovation and startup launch accelerator arm of Leonhardt Ventures LLC focused on the convergence of bioelectrics, biologics and endovascular innovations for organ regeneration and healing. Leonhardt Ventures LLC has 100% ownership of these innovation assets or venture creation startups before voluntarily entering the accelerator program(s). Originally in 2013 it was a broader based accelerator that included any life science and social good impact innovations.  In 2018 the board elected to narrow the focus only to technologies leveraging core Leonhardt Ventures LLC IP in bioelectrics and biologics for organ regeneration and healing. Cal-Impact was spun out in 2019 that now accelerates the portfolio social good impact innovations in media, finance and food & beverage and health innovations that are not focused on bioelectrics and biologics.  The Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. business model > is that the accelerator receives 9% dilution floor equity (unless waived) in exchange for supporting innovations and startup to get off the ground through their first in human clinical study. They also have pre-emptive right to purchase at market prices prevailing at the time up to 20% ownership equity in all innovation and startups right up to graduation or exit whichever comes first.  A DEMO Day is held on graduation to attempt to attract investors, strategic partners or acquirers for the graduating portfolio of innovations and startups.  Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. operates as a classic innovation and startup launch accelerator normally with  a maximum 9 to 20% share voting interest in portfolio startups. Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. helps provide access to resources for accelerator member companies including access to R&D labs and incubators such at Pacific Neurosciences Institute in Santa Monica, University Lab Partners and Leonhardt’s Launchpads in Irvine, California, Leonhardt’s Launchpads Australia PTY and Queensland University of Technology, Leonhardt’s Launchpads Brazil and California Medical Innovations Institute AcuLab in San Diego.  The accelerator may voluntarily continue to provide some support to post graduates in the form of sweat equity or a convertible debt note or direct investment.  Any services provided to post graduates is billed to be paid in either shares, share options, cash or cash deferred with interest via a convertible debt note.  Accelerator Membership is governed by the Master Accelerator Membership Agreement – and Master IP and Product Development Agreement –  2022 Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. and Leonhardt’s Launchpads portfolio class including recent graduates is here with valuations and current set unit share prices > Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. and Leonhardt Ventures LLC will take in outside founded startups or inventions by merging them into existing portfolio innovation assets or startups but not as a stand alone startup. 
Voting Ownership 82% Leonhardt Ventures LLC, 18% others 
Typical expected ownership of portfolio startups/innovation assets at exit on average to a strategic acquirer…
  • 50.1% = Leonhardt Ventures LLC (dilution floor at 50.1% unless waived)
  • 24 to 35.9% = Outside investors, advisors, board members, employees 
  • 9% to 20% = Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. (dilution floor at 9% unless waived)
  • 3 to 5% = Dr. Leslie Miller (sometimes with bonus awards up to 10%)
Note – Anti-Dilution floor clause for Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. and Leonhardt Ventures LLC has only been waived for Second Heart Assist, OrthodontiCell, Inc., PulseGraft, Inc. and StimCore, Inc. to date, all with conditions to be met. 
Cal-Impact Social Good Impact Accelerator is the social good impact accelerator arm of Leonhardt Ventures LLC.  The 2022 Cal-Impact Portfolio is here > which features The Kindheart Lionheart Internet TV Network, The California Stock Exchange TM and Leonhardt Food & Beverage. Via legacy from 2013 through 2018 support Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. holds equity stakes in these assets. 
Voting Ownership Leonhardt Ventures LLC > 50.1%, CalXelerator 20%, Howard Leonhardt Individual 7.7%, Others 22.2%
Lionheart Health is a newly formed in 2022 sales and distribution organization with the primary purpose to develop sales for HTM Electronics, Mettler Electronics, Pulsed Energy Tech products for MedSpas, Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy Rehabilitation clinics and also Leonhardt Ventures LLC startup products from SkinStim, HairCell, Stem Cell Bra, OrthoStim, BodStim by BioLeonhardt Whole Body, MyoStim ED ErectiStim and DepressiStim and also StimCore, Inc. breathing improvement products. Lionheart Health will operate in a classic exclusive and non-exclusive distributor mode with approximately 40% gross margin on sales with 15 to 20% of that provided to sales reps. The supplier manufacturers such as HTM, Mettler, SkinStim, HairCell and MyoStim ED are expected to make higher gross margins in the range of 50 to 80% on all sales.  Lionheart Health intends to invest up to 25% of it’s incoming investment net proceeds into its suppliers such as SkinStim, HairCell, MyoStim ED, Stem Cell Bra, DepressiStim, MemoryStim, AddictiStim, BodStim by BioLeonhardt Whole Body, Pulsed Energy Tech, HTM Electronics and Mettler Electronics.  
Voting Ownership is 100% Leonhardt Ventures LLC at this time but Lionheart Health expects to start selling shares in mid 2022 which will reduce their ownership position over time. The plan is to raise $3 million in 2022, $20 million in 2023 and $200 million in 2024 to support product launches in leading markets and to invest in suppliers. 
Board of Directors of associated entities and portfolio startups listings –
Q: What are the most valuable components of the accelerator program?
1.  Mentorship portfolio startups/LTPs are introduced by the accelerator to a wide range of mentors with experience in different areas of business, science and clinical practice. 
2.  Technical and Support Services Access – As a participant in the accelerator program portfolio startups/LTPs gain access to a wide range of curated technical support specialists in many area of expertise such as SEO, web site development, patents, slide decks, animations, videos, blog writing, financial analysts, cap table management, accounting services, human resource services, tax return preparers, legal counsel and more. 
3.  Product Testing – Participating startups/LTPs gain limited shared access or introductions to pre-clinical and clinical test sites, and sometimes associated personnel, including in some cases access to affiliated R&D labs such as Pacific Neuroscience Institute, California Medical Innovations Institute – AcuLab, Lundquist Institute LA BioMed, University of Northern California Science and Technology Innovation Center, University Lab Partners UCI Cove, UCI Core Labs and Leonhardt’s Launchpads including branches in Irvine, NorCal, Brazil, Pittsburgh, Australia, Europe and other locations. 
4. Assistance in Preparing For Fund Raising and Some Introductions to Potential Investors – Participating startups/LTPs gain access to experts in capital raising to help prepare slide decks, executive summaries, videos, web sites, investor documentation and more. All of the accelerator board members and advisors are requested to introduce to the accelerator and its portfolio members at least 3 potential angel or family fund investors a year. Many board members also have contacts with potential acquirers, strategic partners, customers, distributors and other resources for fund raising and may provide introductions. The accelerator has curated a number of crowdfunding web sites and services and will introduce a startup to those that they believe are best fit. The accelerator also has contacts with some registered broker dealers, investment banks, and capital raising legal counsel that it will be happy to introduce startups to upon request.  The accelerator has a host of template agreements to share associated with capital raising as well including convertible debt notes, SAFE instruments, Pre-Incorporation Rights agreements, subscription and shareholder agreements, accredited investor questionnaires and more.  The accelerator will help all startups/LTPs prepare for their DEMO DAY and will advertise and reach out to help drive potential investors to view the startup presentations on DEMO DAY. 
5.  Customization – Each startup/LTP has unique needs and the accelerator will attempt to customize its program to best serve that particular startup and its special needs all in the spirit to help them be prepared for fund raising, commercialization and if desired acquisition or an IPO after graduation. Some startups need more pre-clinical assistance. Some more clinical study help. Some need most help in gaining patents.  Some need extensive help in web site design. Some need help recruiting an all-star advisory board. Most need the most help with introductions to potential investors or acquirers. Some need primary help in developing a sales strategy and team.  Some need most help with product design and packaging. The accelerator will customize the program to best meet those specific needs.
6.  Supporting Role Only  – The accelerator is meant to provide innovation and startup development acceleration help and support to startups but not to control them or dictate anything to them. You remain fully in control of your own startup and inventions. You steer the direction of your own organization. We normally only hold a 9% equity position (sometimes less if anti-dilution clause is waived to compel investment) with a pre-emptive right to purchase at market prices up to 20% ownership up to graduation and that is often at least partially in the form of a convertible debt note with no voting rights what so ever until conversion. We are like any other minority investor with no control of your assets what-so-ever. We are only here to provide advice and help and maybe a bit of small financial support (usually via a convertible debt note) to help get you off the ground. The rest is up to you. We may provide some introductions and advice but what you, the startup team, do with those introductions and advice is up to you fully. 
Q: What is the route and terms of our patent licenses?
Nearly all inventions and venture creations in our accelerator portfolio have originated from Leonhardt Ventures LLC and inventor Howard Leonhardt.  Leonhardt’s Launchpads was formed in 2008 within the University of Northern California Science and Technology Innovation Center with fully equipped and staffed R&D labs (UNC STIC) to help incubate and develop inventions coming out of Leonhardt Ventures LLC and inventor Howard J. Leonhardt. In 2012 Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator was formed in the Los Angeles metro area as an innovation and startup launch accelerator arm of Leonhardt Ventures LLC and was incorporated in 2013.  The lions share of all funding for Leonhardt’s Launchpads and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. has been provided by Leonhardt Ventures LLC and/or its network of angel investors. In 2016 Leonhardt’s Launchpads, the innovation development incubator 100% owned by Leonhardt Ventures LLC since 2008, merged with Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. which was about 90% voting controlled by Leonhardt Ventures LLC at the time to form Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads.  
Leonhardt Ventures LLC and Howard J. Leonhardt agree to provide an exclusive license to all his/their patents to Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads in exchange for un-breakable 50.1% anti-dilution floor ownership in those inventions and emanating startups forward. Note – Howard J. Leonhardt and/or Leonhardt Ventures LLC has 100% ownership of these inventions prior to agreeing to put them into the accelerator program.  Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc.  DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads and Leonhardt Ventures LLC dually sub-license those patents to organ and/or purpose specific Licensable Technology Platforms (LTPs) and/or startups within the accelerator portfolio class.  These LTPs or startups do not have to pay any up front or milestone patent licensee fees or royalties.  The startups only have to provide un-breakable 9% anti-dilution floor equity ownership to Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads with pre-emptive right to acquire up to 20% ownership by purchase unit shares at market prices right up to exit or graduation and 50.1% un-breakable anti-dilution floor ownership to Leonhardt Ventures L  As long as the equity ownership covenants there are no patent license fees, milestone payments or royalties to be paid.  If the anti-dilution equity covenant is broken for any reason including voluntary release then the LTP or startup has to pay Leonhardt Ventures LLC and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads market rates for a license. Market rate will be determined by a 3 person panel comprised of one representative from the startup, one from Leonhardt Ventures LLC and one independent arbitrator selected in mutual agreement by both those parties.  Primary tool for establishing market rate will be similar licenses for similar patents addressing similar sized market opportunities.  In some special cases we have licensed in patents from others such as CalTech, Vascor Inc. and Neuro Code Tech Holdings, Eleanor Schuler.  In these license agreements we have generally provide a nominal cash commitment and shares or share options in the applicable LTPs or startups that will use these patents.    Our Master Patent License and Product Development Agreement is here >   Our published Accelerator Membership Agreement, Legal Terms Agreement, Term Sheet, Investors FAQ page, our PPM and our Annual Report all address our IP policy, terms and agreements. Another major feature of our IP agreements within the accelerator is that any LTP product development team or startup within the accelerator they may create a new invention that could be of use to another organ specific LTP product development team or startup within the same accelerator portfolio class automatically grants a license and royalty free exclusive license to those patents pending or patent claims for their specific organ or purpose application of use and vice versa.  Any LTP asset or Startup sold, exiting via sale or major license agreement or graduating from the accelerator as maintains all organ and purpose specific rights to all IP they acquired during their tenure within the accelerator up to patent expiration but any new IP developed by Leonhardt Ventures LLC, the accelerators, their employees or other LTPs or startups within the accelerator AFTER they exit or graduate is subject to standard licensing opportunity in the open market at arms length terms given to any other potential licensee in full open market competition  The same is true vice versa – any new IP developed by the post exit or graduation LTP or startup is theirs alone with no rights held by Leonhardt Ventures LLC, the accelerators or any of the other LTPs or startups in the accelerator portfolio. 
By example LiverCell LTP has exclusive license rights for liver regeneration and recovery to all Leonhardt Ventures LLC and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads IP AND any IP developed by any of the LTP product development teams or starutps in its same portfolio class within the accelerator.  LiverCell LTP has to pay no fees, milestone payments or royalties for these patent rights as long as it honors the covenant of 9% anti-dilution equity floor for Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads with pre-emptive right for them to purchase up to 20% ownership at market unit share prices right up to exit or graduation and 50.1% for Leonhardt Venures LLC. If either or both of the anti-dilution equity convenants are broken for any reason then LiverCell LTP or LiverCell, Inc. if incorporated will have to pay market rates for any patent licenses. LiverCell LTP or LiverCell, Inc. will continue to harvest all exclusive IP rights for liver regeneration and recovery IP right up to exit or graduation and will keep those exclusive rights throught their entire patent life. Any new IP developed AFTER LiveCell exits or graduates the accelerator is subject to standard licensing terms cutting both directions. If LiverCell LTP or LiverCell, Inc. should be sold or provides to an acquirer an exclusive license those rights will be limited to ONLY to liver regeneration and recovery and will not apply to marketing and sales to other applications of use such as kidney or pancreas regeneration. 
Q: How does Leonhardt Ventures LLC controlling ownership % track at various stages of development of new invention/LTP?

Typical business charter guided tracking of ownership of ALL LTPs/inventions at various stages of development…

  • At creation launch 100% Leonhardt Ventures LLC
  • After passing through CalXelerator 108 day create to great accelerator 94% Leonhardt Ventures LLC and 6% CalXelerator or Cal-X Stars Business
  • Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads if they are graduating to Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. long duration accelerator program.
  • After being accepted into Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads innovation accelerator program 91% Leonhardt
  • Ventures LLC and 9% Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads
  • After Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads raises full $15 million in current portfolio class PPM capital Leonhardt
  • Ventures LLC 50.1%, Advisors and Other Stock Option Holders 30%, Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads 19.9%.
  • LTP after spinning out to a stand alone C corporation and launching their own PPM, if done, Leonhardt Ventures LLC 50.1%, Cal-X Stars 9.9%,
  • Advisors 15%, angel investors new 25%.
  • In other words Leonhardt Ventures LLC agrees to give up 9% ownership in its LTP/invention rights in exchange for accessing accelerator shared resources and up to 11% more equaling 20% max total to access accelerator capital.

Leonhardt Ventures LLC voting ownership at various stages of development (Leonhardt Ventures LLC maintains voting rights for all advisory options converted to shares)

  • 100% @ Launch Conception – Venture Creation
  • 94% @ Short Duration Accelerator CalXelerator Graduation
  • 91% @ Long Duration Accelerator Cal-X Stars Acceptance
  • 80% @ Cal-X Stars Graduation after First in Human Studies
  • 50.1% @ Time of Exit after Additional Capital Raises
Q: What is the Leonhardt's Launchpads by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. Stock Option Plan?

Leonhardt’s Launchpads by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc.

Stock Option Plan Summary

Common stock of the corporation and LTP (Licensable Technology Platform – inventions) unit share options are granted at an exercise price equal to the market value of the underlying stock on the grant date to mimimize tax liabilities for the receiver, become exercisable most often on the first anniversary “vesting period”. Some stock option agreements have vesting periods of up to 4 years with 1/4 vesting each year on the anniversary date of the agreement. Stock option grants have a maximum term of 15 years to be exercised for active formally engaged by mutual consent employees, advisors, suppliers, contractors and board directors. All stock grants are presumed non-qualified stock options per our approved stock plan unless denoted differently in writing separately. Only Vice President and above payroll employees are eligible to request Incentive Stock Options in writing with approval subject to board compensation committee approval. If mutually agreed upon engagement should end without cause the exercise time period of the last action true working engagement day is 90 days, unless extended in writing. Our shareholders via our approved stock plan have authorized lead executive management to issue up to 30% of our total authorized shares in stock options to employees, advisors, board directors, suppliers and independent contractors. All stock option holders are subject to the terms of the company’s Master Stock Option Agreement and Stock Plan approved by a majority of shareholders. When they become shareholders after exercising their stock options they are subject to also the terms of the appropriate Subscription Agreement and Shareholders Agreement. Underlying stock is restricted and may not be sold without written permission in advance.

Market price for common stock and LTP unit shares are set by any one or combination thereof of these methods…

  1. Last market price paid by an investor via our PPM.
  2. Asking price set by Leonhardt Ventures LLC board.
  3. Staying in reasonable range of Wilson Sonsini published quarterly Entrepreneur Report private company financing trends
  4. Asking price that may be set by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads board (in agreement with Leonhardt Ventures LLC).
  5. Asking price set by controlling majority ownership of company or LTP, which is usually Leonhardt Ventures LLC.
  6. A professional Fair Market Analysis conducted by an industry expert (does not have to be external can be experienced internal team member conducted).
  7. A valuation software program such as the Cayenne Consulting Model –
  8. Industry comparables published in financing and acquisition press releases, Crunchbase, Pitchbook, NASDAQ and other sources.
Q: What is the Master Patent License Agreement with Leonhardt Ventures LLC?

Summary:  Leonhardt Ventures LLC agrees to give up 9% ownership rights in its inventions for received innovation accelerator mentorship support and the pre-emptive right for the accelerator to purchase up to 20% equity at prevailing market prices right up to the time the invention exits the accelerator.  They further agree to give up up to 49.9% ownership to all other investors and supporters over time if needed to best position the invention for exit.  If the LV LLC 50.1% controlling ownership covenant is broken for any reason, including voluntary, then LV LLC must be compensated at market rates for any IP provided. 


Q: Can I earmark target where and what my funds go to supporting when investing in Cal-X Star Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt's Launchpads?

All invested funds go into the Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. general checking (1) account to be used to accelerate all of our innovations and startup launches through to outreach efforts with potential exit acquirers or partners.

(1) Note – Nearly all of the Licensable Technology Platforms (LTPs) and startups within our accelerator(s) use the same core IP and same core R&D labs and staffs, accounting staff, financial team, web site development and maintenance team, slide deck development team, executive summary development team, marketing and branding team, legal counsel, patent counsel, software subscription, liability insurance, D&O insurance, clinical trial insurance, quality systems advisors and software, stimulator manufacturers, electrode manufacturers, catheter manufacturers, stent manufacturers, company vehicles, shipping and warehouse, secretarial support, scheduling support, travel, clinical trial sites, animal study sites, regulatory advisors, scientific advisory board and more. Which are all compensated primarily, mostly exclusively, from the accelerator general checking account.

In special circumstances a prospective accredited sophisticated investor planning to invest greater than $25K via our standard 2:1 investment program of Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads MAY incorporate as a special request into their Investment Term Sheet and Subscription Agreement instructions with a request to use proceeds of their investment for a specific targeted invention (Licensable Technology Platform), startup or purpose. If pre-approved in writing by both parties with signatures and initials next to this specific the accelerator management will strive to use reasonable efforts to honor this request, without any guarantees implied. The company management in cases where the funds are not utilized for a targeted specific purpose as requested in a mutually approved in advance subscription agreement should demonstrate any of the following criteria; (a) The company needed the funds to cover essential due overhead obligations, (b) there was a compelling clear need for another purpose with clear potential greater or faster benefit to stakeholders of the accelerator. At all times company management reserves the full right to use any and all incoming funds for the purposes deemed best for the overall organization and stakeholders towards our overall goals. The maximum that can allocated to any specific purpose, LTP or startup is 73% of proceeds leaving always a minimum of 27% to cover accelerator overhead. Furthermore it should be crystal clear that the requested disbursement will only be allocated to a requested targeted specific invention (LTP), purpose or startup IF the accelerator already has sufficient funds that quarter to meet essential (2) overhead operating obligations.

(2) Note – General overhead obligations include -> office and lab lease rent, telephone, electricity, internet, dues and subscriptions, travel, R&D staff meals, office suppliers, R&D supplies, stimulator manufacturers, catheter manufacturers, electrode manufacturers, pre-clinical vendors, clinical trial site obligations, insurance (D&O, clinical, general liability), payroll, loan payments due, supplier bills, regulatory and quality systems consultation, general legal consultation, securities legal counsel, M&A legal counsel, patent counsel, accounting and human resources and other obligations

In very special circumstances a prospective accredited sophisticated investor planning to invest greater than $250K via our standard 2:1 investment program of Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads MAY incorporate as a special request into their Investment Term Sheet and Subscription Agreement instructions with a request to use proceeds of their investment for a specific targeted invention. This request with an investment of this size may include a request to convert an Licensable Technology Platform (LTP) to a C corporation and thus activate all LTP Pre-Incorporation Rights which guarantee whatever % stake a stakeholder had in the LTP unit shares they now have the exact same % ownership in the founding cap table of the C corporation common stock shares (will actually just be the same LTP cap table just re-labelled now a corporation cap table). In this request they may compel up to 73% of the proceeds invested be transferred over to the new spin out corporation account. 27% will remain in the accelerator account. All above must be agreed upon IN ADVANCE in writing with agreement signatures and signed initials by the specific instructions and must be honored by company management exactly when possible. All of the above has to be approved by the board of directors of both involved corporations each time case by case – no blanket approval implied.

Q: What cultural principles does the Leonhardt's Launchpads organization apply to be innovators?

Link to our central teaching piece A Bias for Action Manifesto by Tom Peters- Innovation Culture Building Tool #1 > Click Here

Tom Peters short video on Too Much Talk Too Little Do > – Click Here

1. “The greatest leaders don’t stop at introducing original ideas into the world. They create cultures that promote originality in others.” Adam Grant

Leonhardt Ventures Core Management Principles as Published in our Annual Reports since 1982

We are committed to World Class consistent quality in our products and services.
LUCK FAVORS THE PERSISTENT. This simple truth is a fundamental cornerstone of successful company building.
Monday through Friday is one quick blurred together workday. Saturday and Sunday are two long rest days. Saturday is for reading. We never work Sundays.

Our success depends on our ability to quickly bring to bear the talents of people and bits of organizations dispersed around the globe. Positive spirit and communication are the keys.

Speed and agility are two of our most important strategic assets. We cannot be weighed down with large overhead and bureaucracy. We have flexibility to adjust quickly to changing market needs and to shift resources and focus to what really needs to get done at any particular time.

We believe in continuous improvement. Never is something perfect right from the beginning. We improve our products and our organization a little bit everyday. We use feedback from the “real world” market to drive improvement. We WORK at improvement.
We operate lean with a small flexible staff focused on customers and products. WE DO MORE WITH LESS! We reduce wasted time. We are bootstrappers stretching every dollar out.

We believe in gaining widespread feedback on new designs early in the development process. Lots of prototypes, lots of tries, evaluated comprehensively. Innovation is work!

No internal functional barriers. We want everyone involved in doing what needs to get done when it needs to get done.
Work simplification. Do not over complicate tasks. Get to the heart of the matter and get it done NOW. Keep things simple.
We are committed to developing export sales to the 96% of the world’s population that lives outside of the U.S.A. Profits from export sales fuel R&D and U.S. clinical trials.

We believe superior customer service and responsiveness are critical to sustaining our success. Employees that exhibit the attitude “This would be a great business if it weren’t for the damn customers and their irritating demands,” must be corrected to the awareness that our customers pay our bills. The only people called “boss” in our organization are the customers.

We believe continuous organizational learning is a key asset of our company. We read everything we can get our hands on! We uncover every stone. We hunger for knowledge. We take in information at rapid rates like drinking water from a fire hose. We all learn to speed read.
Networking with others allows us to develop and get our products to market more quickly.

We are passionate and compassionate about what we are doing.We care! We believe in what we are doing!
Every member is a co-stakeholder in the business.

Work should be made fun at times to relieve tension. You must have fun, that’s an order. 🙂

Weekly responsibilities and goals are clearly defined in our Monday Morning Meetings.

We have a bias for speed and action. Analysis and reflection are all well and good, but we are nowhere without implementation – and it had better be fast and right.

Our work environment is one of honesty, integrity and mutual respect.

We focus on developing best in class breakthrough technologies in organ regeneration and recovery.

Our regenerative economy portfolio companies are designed to feed funds to our organ regeneration and recovery research efforts.
We believe “if you want to be original the most important thing you can possibly do is DO A LOT OF WORK, create a large volume of work.” – Ira Glass. Breakthrough innovations are the by-product of volume of work. In innovation, lots of shots on goal equals more goals.
Our Leonhardt Ventures Theme Song – Do Something by Mathew West > Click here

From High Volume to High Value – How modern organizations have to structure to compete in the fast moving world marketplace.

Speed and agility are so important to the high value enterprise that it cannot be weighed down with large overhead costs like office buildings, fattened up executive salaries before rewards, plant, equipment and large fixed payrolls. It must be able to switch direction and focus quickly, pursue options when they arise and when the opportunity is most ripe, discover new linkages between problems and solutions wherever they may lie.

With risks and rewards broadly shared, and overhead kept to a minimum, the enterprise web can experiment. Experimentation, rapid innovation and rapid informal learning are the life blood of high value enterprises. Experimentation was dangerous in old style organizations with high fixed overhead because failure meant the entire organization had to change direction, retools, retrain, redirect at huge slow turning ship pace (Ford failing with Edsel car as example). But experimentation is essential to the high value enterprise, because customization and innovation requires continuous trial and error and rapid feedback loops between customers and product development team members.

Sharing risks and returns has and added advantage. It is a powerful creative stimulus. If they are to spot new opportunities in technologies and markets rapidly at low cost, problem solvers, identifiers, and brokers must be highly motivated, acting as entrepreneurs themselves, at every level of the web enterprise. Few incentives are more powerful than membership in a small group engaged in a common goal, especially a grand goals such as saving and improving the lives of millions with breakthrough new innovations of merit, with shared opportunity for a great rewards IF the group succeeds. Sharing risks of defeat and and the potential rewards of victory focus people to get things done with very high motivation. A small group can more effectively share an undistorted vision than a large group as well, they want to make their mark on the world and within a small group they clearly have the opportunity to be a fully participating recognized major contributor.

An array of decentralized groups and subgroups continuously contracting with similar diffuse working units all over the world.

By trial and error, by fits and starts, often under great stress, the succeeding companies are moving from high volume “same brick building organizations with rigid hierarchy and large fixed overheads” to high value “web network of small independent groups around the world working on a just in time basis with low fixed overheads” with a focus on rapid innovation at low cost.

High value enterprises have three skill sets that help them succeed…

1. Problem solvers – these people are involved in a continuing search for new applications combinations, refinements of the organizations core technologies capable of solving all sort of emerging problems.

2. Customer specialists/New opportunities identifiers – help customer understand their needs and how those needs can best be met by customized products. They key is total understanding of the customer experience and identifying new problems and possibilities to which the customized innovation might be applicable. The art of persuasion in traditional sales work is replaced by identification of opportunities.

3. Strategic brokers – people in such roles link innovations with customers, raise whatever money is necessary to launch the product and assemble the right problem solvers and opportunity identifiers to carry it out. Continuously engaged in managing ideas and innovations and applying them to solving customers problems rapidly.

The strategic broker is a facilitator and a coach – finding people anywhere they can who can learn from each other and rapidly innovate at low cost to solve problems with solutions. They find the resources somehow someway to advance projects forward. The good ones recruit great people, self starting and managing producers, and let them go at it long enough to discover new complements between technologies and customer needs, but also provide them with enough high level guidance as well so that they do not lose sight of the the larger goals ie; getting pioneering patents, completing first-in-man studies,, gaining opinion leader endorsements, positive press and trade show buzz and most important of all in our case = > securing a strategic buyer/partner in a milestone deal.

In the high value enterprise profits do not derive from scale and volume but from continuous discovery of the new linkages between salutations and needs.

The high value enterprise has no need to control vast resources or discipline armies of production workers. In fact, the high value enterprise cannot be organized in this way. The three groups that give the new enterprise most of its value – problem solvers, opportunity identifiers and strategic brokers – need to be in direct communication with one another to continuously discover new opportunities and product/service improvements.

Because problems and solutions cannot be defined in advance, formal old style meetings and agendas won’t reveal them. The innovations needed emerge instead in the COURSE OF ACTION. By building and testing prototypes. Getting in front of actual customers and getting widespread, not from one doctor but from many dozens, feedback rapidly that is translated in turn rapidly to a continuous stream of attempts, tries, shots on goal at improvement. All studies on innovation conclude the same = more shots on goal increases the chance of scoring a great innovation. If you want to be a great innovator create a large body of work is your most sure fire formula.

Learning comes from doing. Learning builds on itself. Rapid informal communication amongst participants is the key to rapid organizational learning which is the key to developing an innovation culture that produces a steady stream of useful innovations.

Innovations needed to succeed do not come out of formal meetings, pyramid like structures and rigid agendas. They emerge instead out of frequent and informal communications among team members all exploring, learning, searching for solutions and keys to puzzle at a rapid pace. Mutual informal rapid learning occurs in the course of action with a small team best with insights, experiences, potential puzzle solutions, and proposed solutions shared rapidly, frequently and randomly as they are un=covered, found and thought up by their originators. In this format of rapid informal learning one solution may be found applicable to a completely different problem; someone else’s failure turns into a winning strategy for accomplishing something entirely unrelated.

“We all learned together quick like like drinking water from a fire hose”. Steve Jobs Apple, Inc. Co-Founder

Small groups are best at innovation because the ability to rapidly informally learn together is reduced as a group gets unyieldingly large. In small groups individual skills can be combined efficiently so that the group’s ability to innovate is something more than the simple sum of its parts. Over time, group members work through various problems and approaches together, they learn about one another’s strengths and best abilities and apply them accordingly which makes the team stronger. They learn how they can help one another to perform better, who can contribute what to a particular project, how they can best gain more experience together. Each participant is on the lookout for ideas that can proper the group forward. Such cumulative experience, energy and understanding cannot be translated into standard rigid old style operating procedures and hierarchies. Each contributor individual and small group within the “enterprise web” represents a unique combination of skills.

Credit above: Adapted from Robert Reich’s Work of Nations

Q: Where is Leonhardt’s Launchpads headquarters?

A: 1 Kent Court, Mission Viejo, CA 92694 
Main R&D Lab 5270 California Ave, Irvine, California 92617

Addresses for all locations may be found here > Click Here

Q: When was Leonhardt’s Launchpads formed?

A: Accelerator/incubator operations for organ regeneration and recovery focused startups began in Northern California in 2008, in Southern California (Santa Monica-Los Angeles) in 2012, Minneapolis 2013, Utah in late 2015, and branches were added in Pittsburgh, Brazil and Australia in 2019. Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads was incorporated in California in 2013, Leonhardt’s Launchpads Utah, Inc. was incorporated in early 2016 in Utah. Leonhardt Ventures LLC began in 1982 in Minneapolis, Minnesota as HJ Leonhardt & Co. a sole proprietorship and was converted to Leonhardt Vineyards LLC in 2005 and DBA Leonhardt Ventures in Los Angeles in 2013 and Leonhardt Ventures LLC in 2020. Locations over the years – Leonhardt Ventures LLC the parent of Leonhardt’s Launchpads was founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1982 originally as H.J. Leonhardt & Co., moved to Savannah, Georgia in 1983, to Miami/Ft. Lauderdale in 1985, to Geyserville/Santa Rosa, California in 2000 (dual office with Miami-Fort Lauderdale and Geyserville/Santa Rosa, CA 2000 to 2009) and to Santa Monica/Los Angeles, CA in 2008 (dual office with Geyserville/Healdsburg and Santa Monica 2000 to 2013) with a branch offices opened in Minneapolis in 2013, Salt Lake City, Utah in November 2015. Leonhardt Ventures LLC headquarters today is 613 Iris Avenue, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads is headquartered at 18575 Jamboree Rd #6, Irvine, CA 92612 both about 45 miles south of Los Angeles and about 50 miles north of San Diego County.

Q: What are our 2020 annual goals?

Our 2020 goals are published on our web site here >

Q: Where does Leonhardt’s Launchpads primarily operate?


Addresses for all locations may be found here >

Headquarters in Orange County Irvine, California at WeWork
R&D Office at The Cove at UCI Irvine, California
ScaleLA office in West LA
R&D Lab access at Pacific Neurosciences Institute Santa Monica, CA
R&D Lab access at John Wayne Cancer Institute, Santa Monica, CA
Research collaboration at USC Keck Medical Center Los Angeles, CA
Research collaborations at UCLA Westwood Los Angeles, CA
Research and patent licensing California Institute of Technology (CalTech) Pasadena, CA
Research and supplier collaboration Fluid Synchrony LLC Pasadena, CA
Bioelectric stimulator manufacturing OEM Anaheim, CA – Mettler Electronics
Bioelectric implantable stimulator development Santa Clarita, CA – QIG Greatbatch
Research collaboration Alfred Mann Foundation Santa Clarita, CA – wireless power and more
R&D Lab access at UNC Foundation Petaluma, CA
Research collaboration UC Irvine, California
Prototype building and testing DeviceLab Tustin, California
Prototype building and testing Rev1 Engineering Murrieta, CA
Research collaboration California Medical Innovation Institute San Diego, CA


Headquarters @ BioInnovations Gateway, South Salt Lake City, Utah
WeWork Lehi and Salt Lake City, Utah
Center for Medical Innovation Research Park, Salt Lake City, Utah
Research collaborations at University of Utah
Biomerics OEM manufacturing Salt Lake City, Utah
Sorenson Nanofab Salt Lake City, Utah
Nelson Labs Testing Salt Lake City, Utah

Headquarters in Porto Allegre, Brazil
Research collaborations in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Research collaborations in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Research collaborations in Brasilia, Brazil

Headquarters in Ham Lake, Minnesota
OEM manufacturing at Biomerics Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
Pre-clinical studies at American Preclinical Sciences Coon Rapids, Minnesota
Research collaborations at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
EyeCell R&D Coon Rapids, Minnesota with Dr. Patrick Johnson
Business Development Office WeWork, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Cirtec OEM manufacturing stimulators, pumps and leads Minneapolis, Minnesota


Headquarters in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Branch office at WeWork, Sydney, Australia
Research collaboration Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia
Research collaboration with Hydrix Melbourne, Australia
Research collaboration with St. Vincents Hospital, Sydney, Australia

Headquarters in Pittsburgh, CA
Research collaboration with Allegheny Health Network.
Research collaboration Carnegie Mellon University
Research collaboration and patent licensing with Vascor Pittsburgh.

Q: Where do Leonhardt’s Launchpads startups conduct their research?

In addition to the below we have active soon to be active clinical research studies in these locations…

1. Multiple locations in Brazil.
2. Multiple locations in South Africa.
3. Multiple locations in Mexico.
4. Multiple locations in Eastern Europe including Georgia, Ukraine, Poland and Czech Republic.
5. Multiple locations in the USA including Florida, California, Alabama, Hawaii and Utah.
6. Multiple locations in Australia.

Addresses for all locations may be found here >

Headquarters in Orange County Irvine, California at WeWork
R&D Office at The Cove at UCI Irvine, California
ScaleLA office in West LA
R&D Lab access at Pacific Neurosciences Institute Santa Monica, CA
R&D Lab access at John Wayne Cancer Institute, Santa Monica, CA
Research collaboration at USC Keck Medical Center Los Angeles, CA
Research collaborations at UCLA Westwood Los Angeles, CA
Research and patent licensing California Institute of Technology (CalTech) Pasadena, CA
Research and supplier collaboration Fluid Synchrony LLC Pasadena, CA
Bioelectric stimulator manufacturing OEM Anaheim, CA – Mettler Electronics
Bioelectric implantable stimulator development Santa Clarita, CA – QIG Greatbatch
Research collaboration Alfred Mann Foundation Santa Clarita, CA – wireless power and more
R&D Lab access at UNC Foundation Petaluma, CA
Research collaboration UC Irvine, California
Prototype building and testing DeviceLab Tustin, California
Prototype building and testing Rev1 Engineering Murrieta, CA
Research collaboration California Medical Innovation Institute San Diego, CA


Headquarters @ BioInnovations Gateway, South Salt Lake City, Utah
WeWork Lehi and Salt Lake City, Utah
Center for Medical Innovation Research Park, Salt Lake City, Utah
Research collaborations at University of Utah
Biomerics OEM manufacturing Salt Lake City, Utah
Sorenson Nanofab Salt Lake City, Utah
Nelson Labs Testing Salt Lake City, Utah

Headquarters in Porto Allegre, Brazil
Research collaborations in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Research collaborations in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Research collaborations in Brasilia, Brazil

Headquarters in Ham Lake, Minnesota
OEM manufacturing at Biomerics Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
Pre-clinical studies at American Preclinical Sciences Coon Rapids, Minnesota
Research collaborations at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
EyeCell R&D Coon Rapids, Minnesota with Dr. Patrick Johnson
Business Development Office WeWork, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Cirtec OEM manufacturing stimulators, pumps and leads Minneapolis, Minnesota


Headquarters in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Branch office at WeWork, Sydney, Australia
Research collaboration Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia
Research collaboration with Hydrix Melbourne, Australia
Research collaboration with St. Vincents Hospital, Sydney, Australia

Headquarters in Pittsburgh, CA
Research collaboration with Allegheny Health Network.
Research collaboration Carnegie Mellon University
Research collaboration and patent licensing with Vascor Pittsburgh.

Q: Who currently owns Leonhardt’s Launchpads by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc.?
A: Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads currently has approximately 161 stakeholders. 50.1% is owned by Leonhardt Ventures LLC and 49.9% is held by 160 other stakeholders the lions share of whom are involved with the company as advisors in addition to being investors.
Q: What is the Leonhardt’s Launchpads business model?

A: We focus almost exclusively only on organ regeneration and recovery innovations and startups based on the convergence of bioelectrics and biologics. We accelerate approximately 30 to 40 innovations and/or their corresponding startups in any given portfolio class year. When one innovation asset in the portfolio is exit ripe it is replaced by another in earlier stage of development. Most of the startups are based on the same Leonhardt patented and patent pending technology platform of bioelectric stimulation + micro infusion pump + mixed stem cell based regeneration composition just directed towards different organs. The business model is to accelerate each innovation through first-in-human clinical study results and then begin to seek out a strategic partner/buyer to carry the development the rest of the way to market commercialization. The accelerator strives to arrange a milestone based acquisition and a 3 to 8% royalty on net sales for all products forward if and when possible. We had from 2012 through 2018 a small portfolio of three regenerative economy startups that were designed to generate short term revenues and profits which were intended to be re-invested in organ regeneration and recovery research non-dilutive to shareholders and these were divested into Cal-Impact Social Good Impact Accelerator in 2019 as the Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads board and shareholders voted to FOCUS exclusively on organ regeneration and recovery technologies only. Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads still holds a small percentage of ownership, subject now to dilution, in each in exchange for the resources provided to help these startups and innovations get off the ground .

Q: What is the 2:1 accelerator investment deal for early stage investors?
A:  This means if you invest as example $30,000 you receive $30,000 value worth of stock shares certificate in Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads AND a warrant giving you the right to acquire $30,000 worth of shares of any of the startups in the accelerator at no additional charge.  So you receive 2:1 $60,000 worth of shares in exchange for a $30,000 investment.   You can wait until Dec. 31 of the year you invested to decide your allocation or you can apply it immediately.  You can for example allocated $1000 each into all 30 startups OR you can decide to allocated $10,000 each into only 3 of your most favorite startups.  In all cases the conversion of cash warrants into shares is at the prevailing market price of the shares at the time of executing the warrant.
Q: How is our private placement filed?
A:  Under 506D part C in California and other states which permits public solicitation and is restricted to verified accredited investors only.  The original accelerator PPM was created and filed in 2013 with the help of Methven & Associates and is updated annually with our Annual Report or Newsletter.
Q: Where can I find current shares prices and valuations for each startup to know the number of shares I would receive when I convert my held 2:1 warrant into shares?

A: Current share prices and valuations for all Licensable Technology Platforms (LTPs) and startups may be found at Email us at to receive an access password.
Q10 through Q14 remain unchanged for now.

Q: What are the rules and conditions for innovations and startups entering Leonhardt's Launchpads accelerator?
All of our innovations and startups so far in our accelerator(s) since 2008 have emanated from the Leonhardt Ventures LLC venture creation lab or one of it’s majority controlled startups or subsidiaries such as DentaCell Accelerator. 
Leonhardt Ventures led by Howard Leonhardt has been working on organ regeneration, endovascular and recovery technology research and development since the early 1980’s.  Howard J. Leonhardt has led directly over $100 million in capital raised for this research over this time and indirectly has secured another $20 million in funding from in-direct investments, research grants, subsidies or sweat equity provided.   Howard J. Leonhardt as of November 2012 prior to founding of Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. had 21 issued patents including a pioneering cardiovascular balloon catheter PolyCath, the first stem cell delivery catheter Pro-Cell, the first commercially successful endovascular stent graft system for abdmonimal and thoracic aortic aneurysm repair without major surgery TALENT, one of the first biological pacemakers BioPace, a series of electromagnetic radiation delivery catheters RadiCath, improvements to intravascular lungs PENSIL vibrational energy, stem cell based mixed compositions for organ regeneration, combination of bioelectric stimulation and mixed stem cell based biologics composition for organ regeneration, improvements to stem cell delivery catheters MyoCath and one of the first percutaneous systems for heart valve replacement without surgery.  Hundreds of thousands of patients have been treated with Leonhardt’s inventions since the 1980’s. In the late 1980’s he patented and developed the first predictably compliant cardiovascular balloon catheter the PolyCath. Leonhardt’s invented stent graft with multiple issued patents is the world’s leading system today for repair of aortic aneurysms without surgery. He led a team in Howard Leonhardt collaborated with Dr. Robert Becker in the late 1980’s after he published with book Body Electric with a first project focused on renewing blood flow and healing wounds on legs.  In 1988 his long standing research partner and advisor Dr. Race Kao working with Dr. George Magovern in Pittsburgh completed the world’s first case of muscle stem cell repair of an injured heart in large animals and published this in the Physiologist in 1989.  In 1995 he led a team in Melbourne, Australia with Dr. Peter Field and Dr. Ken Thomson that completed the world’s first non-surgical repair of an aortic aneurysm. In 1997 he collaborated with Dr. Christoph Nienaber in Germany completed one of the two first series of repairing Type B aortic dissections without surgery which was published in 1999 in the New England Journal of Medicine. In that same year 1999 Leonhardt collaborated with Dr. Shinichi Kanno that published the first paper on bioelectric VEGF protein expression control for improving blood circulation and Leonhardt sponsored a patent application after the data was published in 1999 in Circulation the Journal of the American Heart Association.  In the early 2000’s he began filing a series of patents for both bioelectric and stem cell based biologics for organ regeneration with the first focus on the heart.  In early 2001 he led a team with Dr. Patrick Serruys, Dr. Warren Sherman, Dr. Doris Taylor, Dr. Pieter Smits and Dr. Kumar Ravi that completed the historic landmark first ever non-surgical cell based repair of a damaged human heart.  Leonhardt has filed, acquired, has had issued, licensed or optioned over 1000 patent claims about 600 of which have been assigned, licensed or optioned over to Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads and/or its organ specific startups. Nearly all 40 of Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads scientific advisory board members have worked with Leonhardt since the 1990’s.  
Most all of these innovations or startups have been run through the Leonhardt Ventures’ CalXelerator 108 days create to great startup launch accelerator program which develops their target market, initial product design concept and a beta web site followed often by executive summaries, slide decks, animations and in some cases forecasting and valuation modeling or a hybrid adaptation of this program.  This program also helps with initial patent filings and searches, trademark searches and filings and introductions to key advisors, mentors, test labs, research partners and suppliers.  Leonhardt Ventures LLC (Leonhardt Vineyards LLC DBA Leonhardt Ventures) for the most part with few exceptions had 100% ownership of these innovations, inventions and startups before agreeing to enter the accelerator and agrees to sign over patents and all rights to applicable organ specific or purpose specific startups within the accelerator in exchange for agreeing to give up to 49.9% ownership over time.  Most of the advisors, mentors, suppliers, research partners and investors for the accelerator emanate from Leonhardt Ventures LLC contacts. 
Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads is granted an anti-dilutive 9% floor on dilution founding stake in each organ specific startup and holds pre-emptive rights to purchase up to 20% ownership in any startup at market prices right up to exit from the accelerator.  Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads is one of innovation and startup launch accelerator arms of Leonhardt Ventures LLC.  Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads by design will always be controlled by Leonhardt Ventures LLC with a non-dilutive 50.1% ownership stake that cannot be broken under any circumstances.  As capital comes into the accelerator via its 2:1 investment program and is applied to accelerating the startups the accelerator Leonhardt’s Launchpads increases it stake via warrants that converted to shares in each startup by the amount coming into the accelerator.  If the accelerator raised $1 million in capital via its 2:1 program it earns a warrant worth $1 million that can be applied and converted to shares in any LTP stage startup or innovation upon demand or in the case of a more mature C corporation spin out startup upon a secondary approval by their board of directors.  Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads may hold this warrant un-allocated and may allocate (convert to shares or share options) in portions or in full during any time point of a startups development within the accelerator.  The conversation is always at market price per share at the time they make their allocation so waiting for more data or more progress reduces risk before allocation of warrants but has the downside of increasing the per share conversion price. Leonhardt’s Launchpads reserves the right to make these warrant allocation conversions right up to one minute before a per share price increase may be implemented but once an outside investor invests at that price they cannot go back to an earlier price unless it was locked in in writing in advance or if there is re-pricing of that entire round or a down round and in those cases Leonhardt’s Launchpads is treated the same as all outside investors in every way.  Leonhardt Ventures LLC with its 50.1% ownership has the controlled vote unless waived on determining if and when Licensable Technology Platforms (LTPs) or startups are converted into a spin out C corporation then capable of raising capital on their own separate from the accelerator.  
Leonhardt Ventures LLC also holds a non-dilutive 50.1% ownership stake in all startups that it originated and placed in the Leonhardt’s Launchpads accelerator unless this is waived in writing.   Leonhardt Ventures LLC has the right with 50.1% majority control to set the authorized number of shares and increase them at any time with simple notice of majority shareholder consent.  They also have the full right to do stock splits or reverse splits upon majority shareholder consent decree.  Howard Leonhardt reserves the right to hold his shares in his personal name or Leonhardt Ventures LLC (Leonhardt Vineyards LLC DBA Leonhardt Ventures) his single person owned LLC at his sole discretion.  He also reserves the right to hold his shares as common stock or preferred shares at his choice which can be converted at any time by majority shareholder decree or simple request.  By charter if any shareholder should ever be granted preferred share terms and rights for a stake in Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads then Leonhardt Ventures LLC will automatically receive exactly those same terms. His pre-held common stock shares will be converted to preferred shares with those same terms unless he opts out in writing.   
Howard J. Leonhardt and Leonhardt Ventures LLC agree to turn over complete and full organ or purpose specific ownership rights over to each organ specific Licensable Technology Platform (LTP) or startup for their specific organ or purpose in exchange for their non-dilutive 50.1% equity position. This applies to all past, present and future inventions for the whole time period the startup or Licensable Technology Platform (LTP) is in the accelerator.  After a startup or innovation exits the accelerator either through acquisition, license or spin out this patent sign over obligation ends. If the 50.1% non-dilutive equity position for Leonhardt Ventures LLC is waived then any patents for organ specific purposes have to be licensed from Leonhardt Ventures LLC at prevailing market rates for such licenses.  
The normal course for outside inventions, innovations or startups to enter the Leonhardt’s Launchpads accelerator is via being merged into an existing Leonhardt Ventures LLC founded and Leonhardt’s Launchpads under acceleration portfolio startup. This is usually done by acquiring the outside asset with payment in shares or share options in a specific LTP or startup.  Leonhardt’s Launchpads will consider taking in an outside non Leonhardt Ventures LLC founded startup but has not found any yet.  If ever an outside founded startup is expected but not guaranteed that is will be taken into the accelerator under the same terms given to Leonheart Ventures LLC founded startups or innovations = original founders of that startup and inventors of the technology will have a 50.1% non-dilutive stake and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads will be granted a 9% founding stake with a floor of 9% on dilution and a pre-emptive right to purchase up to 20% ownership at market prices right up to exit from the accelerator. That startup, just like Leonhardt Ventures LLC, will also agree to give up to 40.9% additional ownership in their startup to accelerator introduced angel investors separate from the Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads 9% floor on dilution equity stake. 
Rules for Startups Entering the Leonhardt’s Launchpads by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. 
  • 9% founding equity stake with an anti-dilution floor @ 9% will be granted to Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads 
  • Leonhardts’ Launchpads will have the pre-emptive right to purchase up to 20% equity stake in any startup or LTP in the accelerator at prevailing market prices right up to exit. 
  • Original founders of the startup will maintain a non-dilutive 50.1% majority control stake in startup unless this is waived. 
  • In the case of Leonhardt Ventures LLC founded startups they will maintain at all times a majority 50.1% majority control stake in all startups unless this is waived. 
  • Accelerator subsidiaries or branches such as Leonhardt’s Launchpads Utah, Inc. may earn equity in startups  by this formula = up to 3% for providing meaningful pioneering IP that originated at their site, up to 3% for providing meaningful positive supporting data usually capped at 1% for pre-clinical data and 2% for clinical data that entirely originated and was completed at this location, up to 3% for providing meaningful capital via investment, research grants, license payments, royalties, subsidies > $1 million.   Leonhardt Ventures LLC or Howard Leonhardt hold sole discretion on whether these thresholds for bonus share or share option awards have been met and at what level. 
  • Howard Leonhardt and Leonhardt Ventures LLC agrees to sign over ownership rights for any past, present or future (up to accelerator exit) patents to the accelerator and onto the organ specific startups in exchange for Leonhardt Ventures LLC 50.1% anti-dilution ownership rights. 
  • If 50.1% ownership rights in any startup or LTP should be waived by Leonhardt Ventures LLC or Howard Leonhardt and he loses absolute majority control then any Leonhardt patents must be licensed at normal average prevailing market rates and terms.  The no additional fee provision may remain in place if Leonhardt agrees to accept special voting rights instead of a patent license fee which then re-establish his non-majority shareholding voting position to resume back to be majority voting control such as 5 for 1 voting rights by example. 
  • If any organ specific startup or LTP in the accelerator should invent anything that can be use for another organ or purpose the other portfolio startups or LTPs automatically get full ownership rights to their specific organ with no additional fees or royalties.  This is in place the entire time the startup or LTP asset is within the accelerator but does not apply once they exit the accelerator.  
  • Exiting by our agreement is defined as (1) being acquired, (2) securing a major license agreement with a highly substantial payment received prior, (3) going public or (4) the accelerator board or shareholders decides the startup should leave the accelerator for any reason.  Converting to a C corporation alone is not considered an exit. 
  • All proceeds from any asset sale or major license payment are distributed to both LTP/startup stakeholders and accelerator stakeholders upon receipt. 
  • Sub accelerators within the portfolio of the parent Leonhardt’s Launchpads accelerator may be formed if an organ or purpose specific startup seems to have a lot of spin out technologies forming which would be ideal to form into new sub similar focused startups. In these cases Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads should always have their 9% floor on dilution equity stake and their pre-emptive right to purchase up to 20% equity ownership at prevailing market prices right up to exit. 
Required Sale by Shareholders (Drag-Along Rights)
The Shareholders can be required by Leonhardt Ventures at its election to sell all or a portion of their shares of common stock to a third party if (i) Leonhardt Ventures (together with his affiliates) proposes to sell at least one-third of the total issued and outstanding shares of common stock of the Company to such third party, and (ii) a fairness opinion of an investment bank or valuation firm is obtained indicating the fairness of the proposed transaction to the Shareholders. Shareholders may be required to enter into an agreement to make such sale of their shares in accordance with the requirements of the Subscription Agreement. These drag-along rights provisions will terminate upon the consummation of an initial public offering of the Company’s common stock, if ever as such consummation is not guaranteed.
Optional Sale by Shareholders (Tag-Along Rights)
In the event that Leonhardt Ventures proposes to sell at least twenty percent or more of the Company’s outstanding shares of common stock to a third party, the Shareholders, in accordance with and pursuant to the terms of the Subscription Agreement, will have the option to sell a percentage of their shares to such third party, which percentage shall equal the then percentage of Leonhardt Venture’s shareholdings that he is proposing to sell in such transaction at the price and upon such terms that Leonhardt Ventures is proposing to sell his shares. These tagalong rights provisions will terminate upon the consummation of an initial public offering of the Company’s common stock, if ever as such consummation is not guaranteed.
Total Authorized Shares by Original By-Laws and Organization Minutes 2013 = 100,000,000 common stock shares and 150,000,000 preferred. Leonhardt Ventures LLC shares issued in common may be converted to preferred particularly if preferred shares are offered to any other investor. If the company decides not to issue preferred shares and to go beyond 100,000,000 common stock shares the by-laws will be amended to permit the additional common stock shares and diminish the available pool of preferred shares but the same amount to the total authorized available shares of 250,000,000 will remain un-changed without an increase. t is possible in the future an increase would be necessary but this is not the intention or expectation at this time.  Leonhardt Ventures LLC as a majority 50.1% owner may at any time by majority decree increase the number of authorized shares.
Startups generally start off with an ownership structure similar to the following:
  • 50.1% Leonhardt Ventures (Leonhardt Vineyards LLC DBA Leonhardt Ventures) or Howard J. Leonhardt – anti-dilution clause 
  • 9% Leonhardt’s Launchpads – anti-dilution floor at 9%, pre-emptive right to purchase up to 20%.
  • 39.9% Reserved for new shareholders, management, board, advisors, mentors, suppliers, research collaborators, vendors
If the startup originates from somewhere other than Leonhardt Ventures LLC the original founders will hold 50.1% ownership in a similar way to Leonhardt Ventures LLC listed above.  Our preferred mode to take outside founded startups into the accelerator is to merge them into one of our existing startups compensating them with shares or share options in that startup. 
Leonhardt’s Launchpads acquires more share ownership as capital flows into the accelerator and out to support the startups.  If Leonhardt’s Launchpads raises $1 million by example they then have a $1 million warrant they can convert at any time point of acceleration into shares in any LTP stage startup at market prices prevailing at the time of conversion.  They reserve the right to convert at a certain share price right up to one minute before a price increase is implemented.  
Leonhardt’s Launchpads has pre-emptive right to purchase up to 20% of a startup’s shares right up to exit at prevailing current per share market prices (whatever the last round of financing was completed at prior to the investment).
Other accelerators and units may earn shares or share options in startups by this formula:
  • Up to 3% for contributing meaningful IP.
  • Up to 3% for contributing meaningful funding = > $1 million
  • Up to 3% for providing meaningful positive data (generally 1% for pre-clinical and 2% for clinical).
Leonhardt’s Launchpads as these ownership positions in these subsidiaries or branch units:
  • Leonhardt’s Launchpads NorCal 100%  
  • Leonhardt’s Launchpads Utah, Inc. 50.1%
  • CalXelerator 20% 
New branches or subsidiaries may be formed in the future. 
Q: What is the advantage of applying my 2:1 warrant into startup shares immediately instead of waiting until Dec. 31st of the year I invest?
A:  If you allocate your warrant immediately into a startup’s shares the advantage is that you get that current lower strike price.  During the course of the year the per share price will be increased in increments as the startups achieves major development milestones.
Q: What is the advantage of waiting to apply my 2:1 warrant into startup shares until the last possible day December 31st of the year I invested?
A:  The advantage of waiting is you get sit back and watch and monitor the progress of each startup during the course of the year and can decide to allocate to startups that have reduced risk by gathering more data, gaining more talented team members or more protective patents or may be on the brink of securing a strategic partnership.   If your goal is to minimize risk not strike price and to only choose to allocate to those startups most close to securing a strategic partnership, then this waiting strategy may be right for you.
Q: How exactly do I get a return on my investment?
A:  In earliest launch stages the startups are all valued between $2.3 million and $5 million and the goal is to sell them after first-in-man results for $230 million to $980 million with a 3% royalty forward on net sales ideally.   We have a goal to have at least 6 startups in position to be ripe to secure a strategic partner/buyer each year over the next 5 years totaling 30 over 5 years.  Upon the close of each sale the proceeds are distributed immediately to all stakeholders.  Royalty checks will be distributed pro-rata on a quarterly basis as the royalties are received.  The target long term 5 year plus goal for ROI for accelerator shares is 23X your original investment and for individual startup shares 63X your original investment.  Of course these lofty goals will be very difficult to reach with many obstacles and risks in the way.
Q: What percentage ownership does Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads have in each startup?
A:   Cal-X Stars starts off with 9% ownership in each startup in exchange for startup launch support services.  As money comes into the accelerator and is allocated into the startups their ownership stake increases.  Cal-X Stars has a pre-emptive right to acquire up to 20% ownership in each startup during the full course of acceleration within the accelerator.  Dilution from direct investors, advisor and direct management server to lessen the percentage of ownership.   It is expected at the time of exit Cal-X Stars on average will hold somewhere between 8% and 20% ownership of each startup but in some cases this could be lower and in some cases higher.
Q: Can you show an example of what I would get if you reach your goal to sell 12 startups two year with a 3% royalty forward on sales?
As a hypothetical example let’s say you invested $120,000 in Cal-X Stars Accelerator Inc. on 2:1 terms in early 2018 and immediately applied your warrant allocation as below in even increments of $10,000 each in our top 12 startups progressing towards strategic partnerships/buyers.

You would receive…

$120,000 shares of Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. at $0.36585 a share = 328,004 shares

You would receive 2:1 $120,000 worth of startup shares as follows….

Top 6 startups in our accelerator ripe for finding a strategic buyer in 2018…
1. OrthodontiCell > $10,000 at $2 per share = 5,000 shares
2. VascuStim > $10,000 at $4.34 per share = 2,305 shares 
3. Second Heart Assist, Inc. >  $10,000 at $2 per share = 5,000 shares. 
4. Stem Cell Bra > $10,000 at $1 per share = 5,000 shares 
5. HairCell > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares 
6. BioLeonhardt > $10,000 at $3 per share = 3,334 shares 
Top 6 startups in our accelerator ripe for finding a strategic partner/buyer in 2019..
1. CancerCell > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares. 
2. CerebraCell > $10,000 at $4.35 per share = 2,299 shares 
3. MyoStim ED > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares 
4. SkinStim > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares 
5. PancreaCell > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares 
6. PressureStim > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares 
Let’s say in our hypothetical example that each startup sells for $78 a share coming close to the goal of 63X ROI for the entire group on average. 
You would receive…
For your Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. 328,004 shares assuming Cal-X Stars owned 20% of each of the 12 startups at time of exit would be $940,000
Top 6 startups in our accelerator ripe for finding a strategic buyer in 2018…
1. OrthodontiCell > $10,000 at $2 per share = 5,000 shares x $78 = $390,000
2. VascuStim > $10,000 at $4.34 per share = 2,305 shares x $78 = $179,790
3. Second Heart Assist, Inc. >  $10,000 at $2 per share = 5,000 shares x $78 = $390,000
4. Stem Cell Bra > $10,000 at $1 per share = 5,000 shares x $78 = $390,000
5. HairCell > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares x $78 = $780,000
6. BioLeonhardt > $10,000 at $3 per share = 3,334 shares  x $78 = $260,052
Top 6 startups in our accelerator ripe for finding a strategic partner/buyer in 2019..
1. CancerCell > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares x $78 = $780,000
2. CerebraCell > $10,000 at $4.35 per share = 2,299 shares x $78 = $179,322
3. MyoStim ED > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares x $78 = $780,000
4. SkinStim > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares x $78 = $780,000
5. PancreaCell > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares x $78 = $780,000
6. PressureStim > $10,000 at $1 per share = 10,000 shares x $78 = $780,000 
Assuming all these 12 startups together are achieving $1 billion in annual sales the 3% royalty to Cal-X Stars Annually would be $30 million.  With $15 million of that going to 164 shareholders about evenly divided = $91,464 in annual royalties per shareholder. 
So your total 24 month return on a $120,000 investment in this hypothetical example would be…
$7,592,092 and you would still have exit opportunity forward on at least 18 more startups.

Q: How much is the company raising, what does that give the investors and where does that capital take us?
A: We are raising $15 million through the accelerator which gives the buyers close to 49% ownership of the accelerator before advisor and management options are exercised and about 5 to 20% ownership of all 30 portfolio Licensable Technology Platform (LTPs) startups. Through May 1, 2020 we have raised about $2.2 million and thus have $12.8 million left to place. It is estimated that advisor, supplier and management option exercises will dilute accelerator ownership holdings by up to 30% and startup holdings by 10 to 15% over time if ALL eligible stock options are exercised. This amount of capital is hoped (may not be) to be sufficient to take us to exit or strategic partnership after first-in human results for up to 30 Licensable Technology Platform (LTPs) startups assuming investors will voluntarily re-invest some of their winnings of early exits into later exits. Our target reach goal (which will be very difficult if not close to impossible to achieve) is up to 5 exits/strategic partnerships a year starting in 2020 for the next 6 years to reach 30 exits after 6 years of acceleration. Sales to strategic acquirers/partners are expected, if they can be achieved at all, to usually be via milestone based Asset Purchase Agreements paying out milestone payments extending over many years. As Licensable Technology Platforms (LTPs) startups exit new ones will come forward to take their positions in the accelerator. At any given time we have about 5 to 10 startups/LTPs in ready reserve which we call the “on deck circle” using a baseball analogy of whom is ready to come to bat next at the plate.
Q: What is the basic development plan for the startups over the 5 year course of acceleration with the accelerator.
Year 1 = Build basic starter web site, build launch team, build slide deck, build related scientific articles list, build executive summary, build first test prototypes.
Year 2 = File patents, build advisory board, get lab data, raise capital, create animations video, upgrade web site, seek out research partners, secure vendors. 
Year 3 = Finalize design, completed animal studies, publish and present data, build opinion leader support, get positive press, start presenting at trade meetings. 
Year 4 = Prepare final safety data and regulatory filings to enter clinical studies. 
Year 5 = Complete first-in-man pilot studies OUS first 5 patients followed by U.S.A. 5 to 25 patients and then seek strategic buyer.
Q. What are the basic budget costs for each stage of development of the startups in the bootstrapping mode?
> Product development, web site development, building team = $300,000
> Patents, lab data, animation, trade shows, capital raising = $500,000
> Animal studies = $200,000 to $500,000
>.Prep for first clinical studies = $100,000 to $2,000,000 depending on product. 
> First-In-Man Clinical Studies = $100,000 to $1,500,000
Note – Vascustim has completed 70 pilot clinical cases OUS at under $50,000 cost due to collaborations and support from others and is now moving to clinical studies in the USA for diabetic foot ulcer treatment.  Vascustim published their first pre-clinical animal study in CIRCULATION for a cost of only $20,000.   Patent costs have been about $3000.  We also have costs shared across all 30 startups so the cost per startup is substantially lower as a result especially for common overhead items and common technology base development ie; stimulators.  So the above is over estimated for some and under estimated for others and averages out to about the above.   Warning:  Most traditional biotech and biomedical firms spend substantially more to get to these milestones and we indeed may have to spend more as well.
Q: What happens for Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads shareholders when exits occur?
A:  Their pro-rata portion of that asset sale is distributed to them the day after closing.  Example > if OrthodontiCell sells for $780 million and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads shareholders hold 20% ownership at time of sale then the day after the closing $156 million would be distributed pro-rata to each shareholder according to their ownership position in the accelerator and if any of those Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads stakeholders also had a stake, lets say 10% directly in OrthodontiCell as an example, they would also receive $78,000,000 more.  Each investor gets one distribution from the accelerator and another directly from the startup itself, if they have a direct stake in that startup separate from their accelerator ownership.
Q: What are management’s ROI goals for the accelerator and the startups?
A:  Our goal is to secure an exit for each startup in the accelerator before their 6th year anniversary in the accelerator.  ROI goals are clear…
23X for accelerator shares.
63X for individual startup shares. 
The above ROI goals factor in the intention for a 3% royalty on net sales for products over time that we will strive to always secure if possible.
Q: What are the biggest risks?
A:  These are early stage developments in high risk sectors.  The risks are numerous including…
1.  Not enough capital to bring products through first-in-man studies. 
2.  There may be unforeseen side effects to products.
3.  Lack of focus with so many startups under one umbrella. 
4.  Patents issued may not defend against competitors.  Patents pending may not be issued. 
5.  Company may not be able to meet all financial and other obligations to keep patent licenses or other contracts active. 
6.  Competition with greater resources may pass the companies up in progress. 
7.  Our startups depend on outside vendors for manufacturing and nearly all services and these relationships may not deliver the results intended or may breakdown for a variety of reasons.
Q: What exactly does the core bioelectric technology patents do and why is it important?
A:  Precise bioelectric signals and sequences communicate with the DNA and membranes of cells to control specific protein expressions for specific purposes.   Some examples are listed below….
1.  SDF-1 = stem cell homing.
2.  VEGF, SDF1, PDGF, HIF1a, HGF, Tropoelastin and PDGF = growing a new network of mature large inner diameter blood vessels for improving circulation. 
3.  Follistatin = growing new contractile muscle in previous scar tissue. 
4.  Tropoelastin = improving elasticity of arteries, skin, heart, ligaments, tendons, aorta and more. 
5.  IGF-1 = DNA repair. 
6.  CXCL5 = plaque prevention in arteries and on heart valves and cancer prevention.
Q: How are patent licenses handled amongst accelerator startup portfolio companies?
A:  If a startup is accepted into the accelerator they automatically get exclusive rights to any patents held by the accelerator for the organ they serve ie; eye for EyeCell, liver for LiverCell.  If any startup that has not yet graduated from the accelerator makes a new discovery that converts into a new patent the other organ specific startups within the accelerator automatically get an exclusive license to their organ.  There are rare exceptions to this rule.  Howard Leonhardt and other Leonhardt;s Launchpads associated inventors have agreed to give startups within the accelerator exclusive rights organ by organ to their patents in exchange only for their equity stake in those companies with no further fees or royalties due other than those associated with every shareholder.
Q: Does Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads have any debt?
A:  Howard J. Leonhardt forgave $2.7 million debt owed to him by U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. to get certain patent rights to key patents licensed free of charge onto startups within the accelerator.  He also invested over $8 million of his own money to get the core technologies developed and off the ground. The Board of Directors of Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc,. agreed in 2014 in light of the above to record on the books $2 million owed to Howard Leonhardt at a 13% annual interest rate that is un-secured.  The company will only pay this debt when cash reserves permit.  Leonhardt has no collateral interest to protect the repayment of this loan.  In 2014, 2015, 2016 the average interest and principal paid down on these loans annually was about $14,000.  In 2017 this increased to about $60,000.   There is another debt owed to Bruce Methven our securities attorney of about $38,000 and certain management team officers have recorded deferred salary on our books.
Q: How can I get a copy of the company financials for the most recent closed year?
A:  Write to Brittany Brown our CPA and interim CFO at copied to
Q: How much capital did the company raise for its startups to date as of November 1, 2020?
A: $2.5 million for Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads
A: $9.7 million total including raises for all startups/LTPs the lions share to Second Heart Assist, Inc.
Q: What is the cap table ownership structure for startups/LTPs in the accelerator?
All investors may request copies of the cap table for any startup/LTP in the portfolio in writing by emailing to We use Shareworks Cap Table management software. All LTPs with Pre-Incorporation Rights in place are treated exactly the same as stock ownership cap tables with C corporations. Any person owning a unit share ownership in an LTP ie; 1% is guaranteed the exact same ownership 1% in the corresponding
50.1% Leonhardt Ventures LLC (non-dilutable)
35.9% Reserved for new investors and stock options
9% Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads (non-dilutable below 9% floor unless waived)
5% Dr. Leslie Miller, Chief Medical Officer
Only exceptions to the above are OrthodontiCell, Inc., Second Heart Assist, Inc., ImplantStim, ArchStim, BreatheStim and other DentaCell Accelerator spin outs where both Leonhardt Ventures LLC and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads ownership positions have been cut in about half or more compared to the above.
Q: Approximately how much did our micro bioelectric stimulator partner invest in the development of the implantable device?
A:  $50 million.
Q: Approximately how much in National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research Grant support did our micro infusion pump technology partner Fluid Synchrony LLC receive to help develop the pump for our combination device?
A:  $2.3 million
Q: How do innovations or startups come into Leonhardt's Launchpads accelerator?
Leonhardt Ventures LLC (Leonhardt Vineyards LLC DBA Leonhardt Ventures) screens approximately 1000 startup opportunities annually in the areas of organ regeneration/recovery and social good impact.  The criteria for organ regeneration opportunity screening includes whether the innovation can leverage existing Leonhardt IP
Leonhardt’s Launchpads was formed by Howard J. Leonhardt with the primary purpose to convert his organ regeneration patented or patent pending inventions into full fledged startups, and accelerate those selected innovations/startups thought first in human studies, at which time a strategic partnership will be sought to take the innovation the rest of the way to market. 
Note – Inventor Howard J. Leonhardt  ––  is the originator of most, if not all, the IP fueling most of the startups and has the choice at any time to have his ownership certificates held in his personal name Howard J. Leonhardt or his 100% owned single person LLC Leonhardt Vineyards LLC DBA Leonhardt Ventures. 
They choose the best of the best, about 2 to 6 of them annually, to enter the CalXelerator 108 day “create to great” program. The best of the best of these few candidates may be invited to join one or our long term innovation and startup launch accelerators.  They will be invited to join Leonhardt’s Launchpads by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. if they are organ regeneration and recovery focused and Cal-Impact if they are social good impact focused.  Once they join a long term accelerator they are under initial evaluation for the about the first 180 days to 1 year to determine if they are a full fit for long term acceleration. Organ regeneration startups are accelerated through first in human studies and then seek out a strategic partnership to advance development.  Social good impact innovation and startups are accelerated up through full launch and then seek out a strategic partnership.  
In most all cases Leonhardt Ventures LLC (Howard J. Leonhardt) owns 100% of the IP and all rights to commercialization of the innovation and corresponding startup before entering the Leonhardt’s Launchpads accelerator.  When Leonhardt Ventures LLC (Howard J. Leonhardt) agrees to place the innovation/startup into the accelerator they agree to give up to 49.9% ownership to others over time as new investors or service providers provide cash or sweat equity investments.  9% un-dilutable (unless waived) ownership is immediately granted to Leonhardt’s Launchpads in exchange for mentoring.   Leonhardt’s Launchpads has the pre-emptive right to purchase up to 20% ownership in any startup right up to exit purchasing shares at market prices.  As capital comes into Leonhardt’s Launchpads via the 2:1 warrant investment plan and is re-directed into startups their ownership position in each grows.  
Outside startups, innovations or IP may be invited to join either of our accelerators if they are a good fit they will be invited to merge into one of our existing startups is a match. 
Subsidiary accelerator units such as Leonhardt’s Launchpads Utah, Inc., Leonhardt’s Launchpads Santa Rosa, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, Australia or Brazil may earn equity stakes in LTPs or startup C corporations by this formula…
1.  Up to 3% for providing meaningful IP.
2.  Up to 3% for providing meaningful positive support data (generally 1% for pre-clinical and 2% for clinical). 
3.  Up to 3% for providing meaningful capital or research grants (generally 1% for research grants and 2% for > $1,000,000 in local capital raised). 
Q:  How does the Licensable Technology Platform (LTPs) model work?
All new innovations that enter our innovation and startup launch accelerator are classified into a Licensable Technology Platform (LTP) to start.  An LTP is a basket of assets directed towards a specific purpose ie; LiverCell LTP focuses on liver regeneration, RegenaLung LTP focuses on lung regeneration, KidneyCell LTP on kidney regeneration. The basket of assets includes IP, regulatory progress, test data, technical know how, web site, executive summaries, animations, slide decks, trademarks, advisory board, vendor and research collaboration agreements. Most of the initial value is in the IP including any licenses, options or patents issued or pending.  The LTP is handled in every way as a security, just like a stock, and is able to place interest stakes with founding members, advisors, consultants, research partners and suppliers.  What LTP stakeholders own is a percent ownership of the assets.  If market feedback/research, data, positive press, opinion leader endorsements and patent prosecution all point towards the innovation to have likelihood of success in the marketplace steps begin to transition the LTP into a C corporation.  In general, but not always, LTPs do not transition to become stand alone C corporations until they meet these conditions. 
1.  Enough data, preferably clinical, has been gathered to truly know that the innovation does indeed work. 
2.  Patents have been issued, licensed or optioned or are will into USPTO prosecution as a pending patent with sufficient believability that the innovation can be protected against infringers and will provide defendable intellectual property protection. 
3.  A critical mass of opinion leader endorsements have been gained
4.  Sufficient buzz has been creating in the marketplace with positive press. 
5.  The startup has gained enough financial backing to the at least 95% financially self reliant with its own President and CFO and has reasonable prospects lined up for additional funding if needed. 
6.  The startup has generated significantly strategic partnership or acquirer interest.  
In most cases Leonhardt Ventures LLC (Howard J. Leonhardt) has 50.1% anti-dilutive (unless waived) controlling interest in the LTP (down from 100% before entering the accelerator).  Leonhardt’s Launchpads by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. starts off having 9% anti-dilutive (unless waived) ownership interest in the LTP in exchange for mentoring services.  As capital comes into the accelerator and flows into the LTPs Leonhardt’s Launchpads equity interest increases.   Leonhardt’s Launchpads has pre-emptive right to purchase up to 20% ownership equity interest in any startup, LTP or C corporation, right up to exit at prevailing full market prices of interest stakes. 
Thus far both Leonhardt Ventures LLC (Howard J. Leonhardt/Leonhardt Vineyards LLC DBA Leonhardt Ventures) and Leonhardt’s Launchpads has only waived it anti-dilution floors of 50.1% and 9% respectively with two startups, OrthodontiCell LTP and Second Heart Assist, Inc. a Utah C Corporation. 
When an Licensable Technology Platform asset basket security is converted (usually right after first in human full study results are in for a an organ regeneration startup – near to final product to go to market) to a full fledged C corporation any stakeholder in the LTP is guaranteed to have the exact same initial ownership percentage in the C corporation.  By example if John Doe held 1% ownership interest in the LTP he will hold 1% ownership interest in the C corporation in the form of common stock. 
LTPs do not ever have any employees.  They only have formation stage co-founders, advisors and startup launch organizers.  They may be assisted by mentors and employees of the accelerator(s) at various stages of development.  LTPs never ever pay cash out, especially to employees or team members, and in fact do not even have a checking account.  They may have people in designated roles for organizational and efficiency purposes but these are not officers or employees in any form.  The employment of employees and the designation of corporate officers does not begin until the day a C corporation is legally formed and that C corporation opens up its own bank checking account. 
There are many sounds business reasons for keeping an early stage development as an LTP instead of a C corporation. These include…
1.  As soon as you file a C corporation you need to file a stand alone tax return which costs at minimum $1600 annually.
2.  As soon as you file a C corporation you have to pay separate city, county, state annual fees which are > $1000 annually.
3.  As soon as you file a C corporation and you are raising capital you have to make separate Form D and blue sky filings which can cost > $50,000.
4.  A separate C corporation needs to have its own officers, directors, board meetings all of which requires maintenance costs > $10,000 annually. 
5.  If an LTP after early stage evaluation is deemed not to be commercially viable it can be cut from the accelerator quickly and easily and replaced with another LTP with minimal difficulty and costs. 
6.  A separate C corporation has to have its own bank account which has to be reconciled monthly.
7.  A separate C corporation needs to have its own stand alone monthly financial statements which cost up to $1000 per month to be prepared properly. 
Q:  What is the normal time course for innovations and startups in the accelerator? 
Year 1 1H = CalXelerator 108 day “create to great” program = market research + build web site + build test prototypes + build animation video + build slide deck + build executive summary + build advisory board + file new patents + license and option patents > at end of 108 days DEMO DAY to attempt to get first seed funding via 2:1 investments into the accelerator with investor choosing to exercise their 2:1 warrant with that particular startup. 
Year 1 2H = Test prototypes in lab + find pre-clinical research collaborators + file for research grants + get Series A funding.
Year 2 = Test prototypes in small animals + get Series B funding. 
Year 3 = Test prototypes in large animals + file new patents + gets Series C funding. 
Year 4 1H = Prepare for regulatory filings to begin first in human studies + get Series D funding. 
Year 4 2H = Complete first in human pilot study + get opinion leader endorsements + get positive press + reach out to strategic partners + get Series E financing. 
Year 5 to 7  = Land strategic partnership most often in milestone deal over time that leads to full acquisition later and preferably future royalties. 
Normal budgets by stage of development….
  • Launch = $100,000
  • Lab tests = $100,000
  • Small animal tests = $150,000
  • Large animal tests = $250,000
  • First in Human studies = $200,000 to $500,000
Note – These costs are sometimes higher and sometimes are lower by large margins. MyoStim ED, EyeCell, HairCell and OrthodontiCell by example ALL got all the way through first in human studies with less than $230,000 each in total spending from beginning to end and are now pursuing a strategic partnership/acquirer.     They accomplished this working with strategic partners such as Mettler Electronics of Anaheim, CA that already had FDA 510K market clearance for their device for improving blood circulation, which greatly reduced investment costs and time to clinical studies. Second Heart Assist on the other extreme has spent > $4,000,000 to get through first in human studies. 
Q: What is the loan agreement with Leonhardt? How does it relate to IP rights?

Howard Leonhardt forgave what he understood to be $4.7 million in debt owed to him and his family from Bioheart to obtain rights to his IP and IP of Dr. Kanno related to stem cell homing, stem cell proliferation, stem cell differentiation control, myogenesis, angiogenesis, combination bioelectric and cell therapies, support factors therapies, biological pacing, myocardial and other organ delivery catheter technology and bioelectric enhanced cell culturing and cell transplantation for organ repair and recovery for the innovation accelerator(s) Leonhardt’s Launchpads, Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. and Leonhardt Ventures LLC and all of its portfolio startups. Leonhardt personally invested or loaned up to $8 million of his own money over time in developing the bioelectric and biologics technology platform utilized by nearly all the innovation accelerator portfolio companies and other venture creations in the portfolio including the original Cal-Impact related social good impact ventures. The lions share of other monies to develop these products and ventures came from friends and family brought to participate in funding these developments by him. Integral to this agreement Leonhardt agreed to give all Bioheart shareholders the right to have the same amount of shares they had in Bioheart up through March of 2007 when he resigned as full time CEO at Bioheart as long as they subscribed to purchase over time at least $10,000 worth of shares of Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads (he gave them option to fund this subscription by deducting from their first proceeds check if desired). He also agreed that BioLeonhardt LTP would pay a 3% royalty on profits to Bioheart (now U.S. Stem Cell Inc.) for any sales and profits made in territories of products that precisely read on the claims of the previous Bioheart patents where those patent claims were fully valid and enforceable. Furthermore he granted share option grants to NorthStar LLC of Minnesota that had a loan lien on Bioheart’s IP to free up the IP rights from that lien. From 2008 through 2015 Howard Leonhardt personally supported a majority of the expenses of Leonhardt’s Launchpads, Leonhardt Ventures and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. from his own savings. In 2015 and in 2016 the Board of Directors of Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads (Over 50.1% controlled by Leonhardt Vineyards LLC DBA Leonhardt Ventures ) decided to take $2 million of the greater than $8 million debt owed to Howard Leonhardt from helping the accelerator and its portfolio of startups from 1982 forward and record just $2 million as debt owed to him at an 8% + 5% = 13% interest rate (same rate Bioheart had with their lenders for a similar loan with similar risk). The other $6 million was considered Leonhardt’s cash equity contribution for his founders shares and the agreement that the accelerator and accelerator startups would always have Leonhardt Ventures at 50.1% majority controlling ownership. The loan agreement permits Leonhardt to take up to a maximum of 18% of incoming cash any given month from the accelerator to pay back the loan principal amount and interest. Thus ensuring the accelerator has at least 82% of all incoming funds for its own operations. This loan takes priority over any other loans or financial obligations the accelerator may have. In practice through 2018 Leonhardt has averaged only about $18,000 in loan and interest repayments annually over time. There is no other collateral for the loan (IP was not pledged) which is one of the reasons for a higher interest rate.

Q: FAQ - How do we determine valuations of startups/LTPs?
The valuation of our Licensable Technology Platform (LTP) startups are set in exactly the same way as C corporation valuations =  a combination of comparables, discount of future earnings and the market (which can change).  The Licensable Technology Platform (LTP) is a security instrument (shares of an asset) exactly like C corporation common stock. Since we plan to sell nearly all our LTPs/startups under Asset Purchase/Sale Agreements it is unlikely that we will convert most of them to C corporations ever. 
We analyze date from Wilson Sonsini, Gust, Silicon Valley Bank and other sources to determine comparable valuations –  
We give greater weight to the Wilson Sonsini comparables than the other input sources due to their accuracy.  SVB reports are the second highest weighted source –
1Q 2020 – Wilson Sonsini Financings U.S.A. Data 
SEED = $9 MILLION VALUATION (Launch stage – experienced team – pitch deck – advisory board – web site) 
SERIES A = $30 MILLION VALUATION (Prototypes tested in lab, patent filings and start small animals)
SERIES B = $65 MILLION VALUATION (Small and large animal data) 
SERIES D = $225 MILLION VALUATION (First in human clinical data stage) 
Q: Who currently owns and controls Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc.?
A: Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. DBA Leonhardt’s Launchpads currently has approximately 161 stakeholders with voting shares 82% owned or controlled by Leonhardt Ventures LLC and approximately 18% voting rights controlled by others, most of whom are friends or family related to Leonhardt Ventures LLC founders or angels networks. Effectively Leonhardt Ventures LLC controls approximately 95% of voting rights of Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. when including friends and family.
Warning: Investment in our innovation and startup accelerator must be viewed as very high risk for loss. We are attempting to develop organ regeneration technologies where others with far more substantial resources have failed. Our developments are all very early stage. Despite some early data our technologies cannot be considered to be proven to be either safe or effective. Our patents issued, optioned or licensed may not be maintained. Our patents pending may not be issued. We may be found to infringe on others patents. We are developing more than 30 innovations which spreads our small staff thin. We are highly dependent on outside supplier and consultants. Any timelines quoted may take substantially longer by many years. Most, if not all, our team members derive income from other sources which may limit their focus on our accelerator and its startups. The company lacks sufficient resources at this time in all forms to complete development of its products. This investment is only suitable to accredited highly experienced investors with substantial knowledge of the healthcare industry and the risk associated with medical device and biotech startups and their product developments that are prepared to lose their entire investment without incurring financial hardship. Information about the status of our many projects is subject to change often. With a small staff we are not able to keep all web site pages up to date at all times. Much of the information on many of our thousands of web site pages requires updating. If you have any questions please email us at

Any financial projections given are illustrative only and none of the projections or assumptions should be taken as promises on the part of the Company nor should they be taken as implying any indication, assurance or guarantee that those assumptions are correct or exhaustive.
These pitches contain forward-looking statements. These statements relate to, amongst other things, the Company’s future prospects, developments and business strategies. Forward-looking statements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as “believe”, “could”, “envisage”, “estimate”, “intend”, “may”, “plan”, “will” or the negative of those, variations or comparable expressions, including references to assumptions.

The forward-looking statements in this Pitch are based on current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by those statements. If one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialises , or if underlying assumptions prove incorrect, the Company’s actual results may vary materially from those expected, estimated or projected. Given these risks and uncertainties, potential investors should not place any reliance on forward looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made only as at the date of the Pitch.

Each recipient of these Pitches must make their own independent assessment of the information provided by the Company and is recommended to seek independent advice on the contents hereof from an authorized person specializing in advising on investments of the kind in question. Neither the Company, Leonhardt’s Launchpads, nor any of their advisers, nor their respective directors, partners, representatives, agents, consultants or employees shall be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage suffered by any person relying on statements or omissions from the Pitch and to the maximum extent permitted by law, all conditions, warranties and other terms which might be implied by statute, common law or the law of equity and any such liability are expressly excluded. The Pitch should not be construed as a recommendation to prospective investors by the Company or Leonhardt’s Launchpads, Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc., or any of their respective officers to invest in the Company, and does not form any commitment by the Company to proceed with an investment. The Company and Leonhardt’s Launchpads, Leonhardt Ventures or Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. reserve the right to terminate the procedure at any time and to terminate any discussions and negotiations with any prospective investors at any time and without giving any reason.

Any and all discussions, negotiations and communications, including through any online forums, between any recipient of the Pitches and the Company and their respective directors, shareholders, employees, advisers and/or representatives will remain subject to contract. Any person who invests in the Company at any time must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction in which they acquire, offer or sell shares and must obtain any consent, approval or permission required in respect of any such transaction under the laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction to which they are subject or in which any such transaction takes place or in which they possess the Pitch. Neither the Company, Leonhardt’s Launchpads, nor any of their respective directors, partners, representatives, agents, consultants or employees shall have any responsibility for any such matters.
The distribution of the Pitches in certain jurisdictions other than California may be restricted by law and therefore persons accessing the Pitch into whose possession the Pitch documents come should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of securities laws of any such jurisdiction. Recipients represent and warrant to the Company and Leonhardt’s Launchpads, that they are able to receive the Pitches without contravention of applicable legal or regulatory restrictions in the jurisdiction in which they reside, conduct business or receive the Pitches, including in particular the requirements of the Act.

The individual startups accept highlighted in this listing of elevator pitches accept responsibility for the information contained in each Pitch. The Pitches are meant to only reflect the most positive and optimistic personal opinion of the company founders and nothing more or less. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Company (who has taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) the information contained in this Pitch is in accordance with the facts and there are by the extreme brief nature of the few line elevator pitches there are indeed facts the omission of which would affect the validity of such information. This information may be obtained elsewhere such as our private placement memorandum, our annual report or the risk and warnings disclaimers proceeding and following the elevator pitches on this page or on the individual startup web sites . These risks include in brief – patents cited may not protect us, patent license agreements may not hold up, patents pending may not be issued, company lacks resources to complete research, early data is not enough to determine definitively if technology works, all agreements are subject to conditions being met and due to lack of financial resources the likelihood and risk of not meeting such conditions is high, many agreements may not be properly ratified or signed, company is underfunded and understaffed and personnel aboard have diverted attention with other jobs and many projects.

The information contained in the Updates section and the Q&A section and any downloaded documents do not form part of the Pitch and have not been reviewed or approved by Leonhardt’s Launchpads Board of Directors or Legal Counsel. Similarly, any information published outside of the Leonhardt’s Launchpads web sites , including on social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) or the Company’s news blog, does not form part of the Pitches. Leonhardt’s Launchpads, Leonhardt Ventures and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc., Second Heart Assist, Inc., assumes no responsibility for information contained in the Q&A or Updates section, downloads or in any form of media outside the Leonhardt’s Launchpads accelerator and such information should not be deemed an offer or invitation to invest or be relied on to invest.