Leonhardt Ventures and Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator
1H 2016 Newsletter  – 2015 Annual Report Summary

Leonhardt Ventures founded 1982*

  • 20+ direct U.S. patents for treating cardiovascular disease & dozens indirect
  • 30 more patents in process or pending. 
  • Leonhardt inventions have treated over 350,000 patients
  • Leonhardt inventions have generated more than $3 billion in revenues
  • 7 Major Direct Product Exits – PolyCath cardiovascular balloon catheters 1990, TALENT stent graft for aneurysm repair 1998, Percutaneous Heart Valve 1999, Pro-Cell Stem Cell Delivery Catheter 1999, MyoCath Stem Cell Delivery Catheter 2005, Bioheart Muscle Stem Cell For Heart Failure IPO 2008.  Lucille’s Cafe of Weston 2013.

Click Here for Leonhardt Ventures Historical Milestones and More Information > https://leonhardtventures.com/about-us.php

* Leonhardt Ventures legally operates since 2005 as Leonhardt Vineyards LLC DBA Leonhardt Ventures.  Prior to that was sole proprietorship of Howard J. Leonhardt (HJ Leonhardt & Co.). 

Click here for more information on the Cal-X Stars 5 Year Business Accelerator > www.calxstars.com ;

OUR TEAM > http://calxstars.com/team-cal-x/

OUR SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD http://calxstars.com/scientific-advisory-board/

Leonhardt Ventures Main Master Web Site https://leonhardtventures.com

2016 Portfolio Chart with Valuations – https://leonhardtventures.com/our-companies/#toggle-id-1

Portfolio Valuation Growth 2013 to Present – https://leonhardtventures.com/our-companies/#toggle-id-2

Cardiovascular Regenerative Medtech Portfolio Startups (26) (excluding Bioheart) – 

2013 = $3,000,000

2014 = $34,500,000

2015 = $55,100,000

2016 = $224,700,000

2019 – $13.6 billion Target Goal

Regenerative Economy Portfolio Startups (4) 

2013 = $1,000,000

2014 = $12,000,000

2015 = $38,186,500

2016 = $93,000,000

2019 = $2.4 billion Target Goal

2015 Annual Progress Summary with 1Q 2016 Update Included 

The Leonhardt Venture’s Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. FOCUSED Portfolio = 26 Regenerative Medtech Startups and 4 Regenerative Economy Startups

Link to our 2016 Full Portfolio Table With Current Valuations and Target Goal Valuations for 2019 – https://leonhardtventures.com/our-companies/#toggle-id-1


Top Regenerative Medtech Portfolio Highlights 2015

  • Completed pilot sheep study for Stem Cell Bra with successful results. 
  • Filed provisional patent application for Follistatin release. 
  • Filed provisional patent application for IGF-1 release.
  • Filed provisional patent application for hair regeneration. 
  • Filed provisional patent application for cancer tumor growth treatment. 
  • Filed provisional patent application for whole body regeneration.
  • Filed provisional patent application for accelerated tooth movement. 
  • Discovered signal for controlled release of Tropoelastin.
  • Built CerebraCell prototype for brain regeneration.
  • Secured micro stimulator supplier partnership with $50 million pre-investment in development of smallest, longest battery life most precise control of signaling micro stimulator known to be developed to date. 
  • Completed partnership development contract with micro pump supplier.
  • Secured $500,000 investment commitment from Fluid Synchrony, Inc.
  • Launched HairCell, KidneyCell, LiverCell, PancreaCell, BladderCell, EarCell.

Top Social Good Impact Portfolio Highlights 2014 & 1st Quarter 2015.

  • The Kindheart Lionheart INSPIRATIONAL WORKS TV Network programs reaches over 3 billion views – www.kindheartlionhearttv.com ;
  • Launched Love Roller Coaster program on California Love Channel on KHLH TV Network. 
  • Created Love Dialogues program on California Love Channel on KHLH TV Network.
  • Created COVERS GREAT SPEECHES program and Channel on KHLH TV Network. 
  • Launched Cal-X 30 SOCIAL GOOD IMPACT FUND with 30 curated stocks supported by registered broker dealer Motif Investing. 
  • Launched LABioHub a life science resource for the Los Angeles community.
  • Launched Leonhardt’s Launchpads Utah an incubator/accelerator focused on regenerative medtech and regenerative economy startups in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Regenerative Medtech Startups Portfolio  https://leonhardtventures.com/regenerative-medtech/


1.  Bioelectric stimulation supported stem cell based regeneration and controlled protein expression based healing.

2.  Implantable pumps, catheters & sensors.



2016 Portfolio of Startups 



>  BioLeonhardt  – heart regeneration.

>  AortaCell – aorta regeneration.

>  BioPace – biological pacemaker regeneration.

>  Valvublator – heart valve regeneration.

>  CoroStim – vibrational energy to prevent clots, plaque, calcification.

>  HeartScore – genomics based heart failure management.

>  EndoCell – artery regeneration.

>  MyoStim Peripheral – limb blood flow improvement.

>  LVSens – heart sensors.

>  Cardiobridge – circulating assist pump (note – not LV controlled)

>  Leonhardt-Wetling Peripheral – wireless diabetic foot ulcer treatment.


>  CerebraCell – brain regeneration.


> Stem Cell Bra – breast regeneration.

> DentaCell – dental gum regeneration + tooth pulp storage.

>  OrthodontiCell – cuts in half dental brace wearing time

>  MyoStim Skin – skin regeneration.

>  MyoStim ED – erectile dysfunction treatment.

>  HairCell – hair regeneration 

Major Organ Regeneration 

>  EyeCell – eye regeneration.

>  PancreaCell – pancreas regeneration.

>  RegenaLung – lung regeneration.

>  LiverCell – liver regeneration.

> KidneyCell – kidney regeneration.

> EarCell – ear hearing regeneration.

> BladderCell – bladder regeneration

>  BioLeonhardt Whole Body Regeneration – Whole body regeneration.

Cancer Treatment 

>  CancerCell – bioelectric cancer tumor treatment + regeneration.

Note – CerebraCell, RegenaLung, BladderCell, LiverCell, KidneyCell and PancreaCell have the cancer tumor stoppage signals built into their organ specific technology platforms.

1.  BioLeonhardt – www.bioleonhardt.com Implantable stem cell pump + microcurrent regeneration stimulator for heart failure regeneration. 

Heart regeneration and limb salvage applications  – Click Here

2.  MyoStim Peripheral  – microcurrent stimulators + micro pumps for limb salvage/diabetic foot ulcers – www.myostimpacers.com

3.  BioPace – biological pacemaker made of living cells – https://leonhardtventures.com/bio-pace/

4.  Valvublator – heart valve regeneration www.valvublator.comhttps://leonhardtventures.com/valvublator/

5.  AortaCell – aorta regeneration – https://leonhardtventures.com/aortacell/

6.  STEM CELL BRA – breast tissue generation and regeneration – www.stemcellbra.com

7.  CoroStim – world’s first vibrational energy device to prevent plaque, calcification or blood clots from forming in the human body or in blood contact devices – https://leonhardtventures.com/corostim/

8.  EndoCell – artery regeneration  

9.  CerebraCell – brain regeneration https://leonhardtventures.com/cerebracell/. ;

10.  EyeCell – eye regeneration https://leonhardtventures.com/eyecell/. ;

11.  DentaCell –  dental gum regeneration – https://leonhardtventures.com/dentacell/

12.  HeartScore – cardiovascular genetic tests and @ home monitoring for personalized care of heart failure patients.   Publisher of the HeartScore Ranking List of Top 100 Cardiovascular Innovations of the Year.  – www.heartscore.co

14.  Cardiobridge USA – www.cardiobridge.com circulatory assist pump on an aortic catheter for acute decompensating heart failure recovery and limb perfusion for limb salvage. 

15.  OrthodontiCell – Accelerated tooth movement – https://leonhardtventures.com/orthodonticell/

16.  RegenaLung – Lung regeneration – https://leonhardtventures.com/regenalung/

17.  PancreaCell – Pancreas regeneration – https://leonhardtventures.com/pancreacell/

18.  BladderCell – Bladder regeneration – https://leonhardtventures.com/bladdercell/

19.  LiverCell – Liver regeneration – https://leonhardtventures.com/livercell/

20.  KidneyCell – Kidney regeneration – https://leonhardtventures.com/kidneycell/

21.  EarCell – Ear regeneration for hearing recovery – https://leonhardtventures.com/earcell/

22.  MyoStim Skin – Skin regeneration – https://leonhardtventures.com/myostim-skin/

23.  MyoStim ED – Erectile dysfunction recovery – https://leonhardtventures.com/myostimED/

24.  CancerCell – Cancer tumor growth stoppage and followup organ regeneration – https://leonhardtventures.com/cancercell/

25.  LVSens – Left ventricle sensor placed in heart percutaneously. 

26.  BioLeonhardt Whole Body– Whole body regeneration – https://leonhardtventures.com/wholebody/

27. HairCell – Hair regeneration – https://leonhardtventures.com/haircell/

Note – In 2015  we attended over a dozen cardiovascular and stem cell regeneration focused conferences including:  Heart Failure Society of America, ACC, TCT, EuroPCR, LA Heart Failure, World Stem Cell Summit, Regenerative Medicine, San Diego Interventions, San Diego Heart Failure,  JP Morgan Healthcare, VEITH, ISET, VIVA, 30th 31s Annual Interventional Cardiology Snowmass.

Social Good Impact Portfolio – https://leonhardtventures.com/regenerative-economy/


1.  Crowdfunding.

2.  Social good impact innovations including social good impact media.

1.  The Kindheart Lionheart TV Network www.kindheartlionhearttv.com – INSPIRATIONAL WORKS TV TV network with hundreds of programs, over 3 billion billion views across all programs. 

2.  The California Stock Exchange TM www.calstockexhange.com – on path to be first U.S. social good impact stock exchange.  

> THE CALIFORNIA STOCK EXCHANGE TM FACEBOOK PAGE > https://www.facebook.com/Calstockexchange

3.  Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. – regenerative medtech, life science and regenerative economy incubators and accelerators. 

Incubators and Accelerators


1.  Regenerative medtech. 

2.  Regenerative economy. 

1.   Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. – www.calxstars.com – 5 year accelerator focused on cardiovascular and social good impact innovations – 15 cardiovascular and 15 social good impact startups being accelerated in current class.

2.  Cal-Xelerator – www.calxelerator.com – 15.5 week (108 days create to great) startup launch accelerator focused on cardiovascular + social good impact including social good media/

Cal-Xelerator Application – Click Here

3.  Leonhardt’s Launchpads @ UNC STIC – www.leonhardtslaunchpads.com – incubator + accelerator for life science startups located at the University of Northern California Science & Technology Center in Rohnert Park, California (near Santa Rosa) – www.uncm.edu – Howard Leonhardt has served on the Board of Directors of the University of Northern California since 2000 helped lead the launch their incubator program in 2007 – BOARD http://www.uncm.edu/About_BoardDirectors.php + Incubated Companies  http://www.uncm.edu/STIC_CoSpinoffs.php + PRESS DEMOCRAT ARTICLE ON INCUBATOR – http://www.pressdemocrat.com/news/2252451-181/howard-leonhardt-will-help-other

4.  LABioHub – www.labiohub.org – a life science incubator and resource hub in Santa Monica.  PRESS RELEASE and BIOSPACE News Coverage > http://www.biospace.com/News/labiohub-roc-santa-monica-taking-applications-for/364990

5. Startup California – http://startupcalifornia.org – resources for California startups. 

6.  Leonhardt’s Launchpads Utah – regenerative medtech and economy incubator/accelerator located in Salt Lake City, Utah.

7. SciAccelerator – Science and technology startup accelerator under development with a crowdfunding campaign building focus. 

8.  Leonhardt’s Launchpads Georgia – Setting up just off the campus of the University of Georgia near Atlanta and coordinating collaborative research all over the southeastern USA. 


“In the modern age, whether we like it or not, all companies are media companies. No matter how great a product you have if the story doesn’t get heard by the people who need to hear it, it doesn’t get traction and off the ground. There’s no better place at crafting stories in the modern media world than Los Angeles.”  Howard Leonhardt as quoted in The Huffington Post



Recent Press



MyoStim Peripheral . – limb regeneration. 


  • Secured manufacturing partner in Los Angeles area
  • Recruited Joel Hirsch, past-President of Alfred Mann’s Core Manufacturing to lead the manufacturing of these heart repairing pacemakers in Los Angeles.
  • Recruited Suresh Gurunathan former Director of Engineering at NanoStim to serve as Senior Advisor Pacer Engineering.  
  • Recruited Jane Reedy former Director of Clinical Affairs for Thoratec and HeartWare to serve as Senior Advisor Clinical Affairs.
  • Designed progressive aggressive limb salvage protocol.

BioLeonhardt MyoStim www.bioleonhardt.com – Implantable, programmable, re-fillable stem cell & growth factor pump combined with electrical stimulation for damaged heart muscle regeneration and limb salvage.

  • Developed world’s smallest micro stimulator with longest battery life and most precise control of electrical signals working with QIG Greatbatch.  Over $50 million invested into this development. 
  • Filed patents for IGF-1, Follistatin, Tropoelastin, eNOS, Activin, HGF signals to add to portfolio.
  • Our micro pump partner secured over $2 million in SBIR research grants. 
  • Developed protocol for translational studies for heart regeneration.
  • Met with FDA about Category B designation for $58,000 reimbursement per clinical case completed in the USA. 
  • Sourced infusion pacing leads with corkscrew tip.
  • Began development of wireless energy transmission ver. 2.0. 


Stem Cell Bra www.stemcellbra.com – World’s first women’s bra with built in electrical stimulation homing signal for stem cells with ability to differentiate them into breast tissue.  

  • Completed pilot large animal study in Argentina with positive results. 
  • Developed working prototypes.
  • Filed two provisional patent applications.
  • Solidified research alliance with Dr. Joel Aronowitz of Cedars Sinai UCLA.
  • Initiated large animal study in Argentina with Dr. Jorge Genovese. 
  • Add dozens of supporting papers to web site.

Valvublatorhttps://leonhardtventures.com/valbulator.php  + www.valvublator.com – first catheter based device for decalcifying, cell sodding, surface modifying and microcurrent regenerating heart valves so a patient may keep their own heart valve instead of getting an implant.

  • Prepared a provisional patent application ready to be filed.
  • Developed research collaboration with Dr. Mark Cunningham, Chief of Staff Cardiac Surgery at USC Keck Medical Center.
  • Developed protocol for preserving a patients own heart valve without surgery.
  • Presented Valvublator at 31st Annual Interventional Cardiology Meeting in Colorado.
  • See www.valvublator.com for supporting science slide deck. 

LV Sens – Left ventricle heart sensor placed via catheter

  • Prepared provisional patent application for catheter based delivery.
  • Developed disolvable cone design for percutaneous placement.

EndoCell – Endothelial progenitor cells delivered via adventia tissue micro needle catheter combined with microcurrrent stimulation for healing damaged arteries

  • Developed research alliance with Dr. Warren Sherman, Director of Cardiovascular Stem Cell Research Columbia University and Dr. Dayu Teng University of California San Diego. 
  • Secured contract supplier for adventia needle catheter – Mercator Medical Systems.
  • Secured manufacturing partner for micro stimulator. 
  • Developed pre-clinical and clinical study plan.

AortaCell – Non-invasive wireless energy device for healing aortic aneurysms, strengthening aortic necks in stent graft cases and sealing Type III endoleaks non-invasively.

  • Developed manufacturing partner for micro stimulator.
  • Recruited Dr. Juan Parodi to research team.
  • Recruited Dr. Harrison Lazarus to research team.
  • Designed catheter based system.
  • Designed protocol for reinforcing aortic necks to improve stent graft performance.
  • Designed protocol for creating a beating 2nd heart aorta. 
  • Granted 4% of seed stage equity to research and kids funds on behalf of co-Founder Dr. Roy Greenberg, former Chief of Vascular Surgery of Cleveland Clinic that passed away last year at age 49 of cancer. 

DentaCell –   – Microcurrent devices for healing dental gums, teeth and jaw bone.

  • Secured manufacturing partner for micro stimulator. 
  • Established registered tooth pulp storage service partnership for future stem cell expansion in case of need.

OrthodontiCell – Tooth Movement Accelerator – designed to cut in half dental brace and aligner wearing time. 

  • Filed provisional patent application.
  • Designed prototype. 
  • Recruited Dr. John Marchetto to serve as President. 

CerebraCell –   – Microcurrent device for helping patients recover from brain trauma and strokes. 

  • Discovered signal for controlled expression of IGF-1 and filed provisional patent. 
  • Secured manufacturing partners.
  • Add dozens of supporting papers to web site. 
  • Prepared provisional patent application ready for filing.
  • Secured investment from the University of Northern California Foundation.
  • Placed CerebraCell in Leonhardt’s Launchpads @ UNC STIC Incubator near Santa Rosa, CA. 
  • Recruited Dr. Santosh Kesari noted Cerobrovascular Researcher and Brain Surgeon to team. 


EyeCell –  https://leonhardtventures.com/eyecell.php – Microcurrent device for reversing macular Degeneration and for treating other eye disorders.

  • Lined up manufacturing partners.
  • Partnered with renowned eye surgeon Dr. Patrick Johnson of Minneapolis.
  • Recruited Dr. Edward Kondrot renowned expert of microcurrent eye related therapies to research team.
  • Placed EyeCell duly in Cal-X Stars and Leonhardt’s Launchpads at UNC STIC incubators in Santa Monica and Santa Rosa. 


CoroStim – Vibrational energy device for preventing plaque, calcification and clot formation in human bodies and blood contact devices. 

  • Prepared provisional patent application for filing.
  • Lined up manufacturing partners.
  • Conducted market research.
  • Found and posted dozens of supporting papers. 

BioPacehttps://leonhardtventures.com/biopace.php – Biological pacemaker made of living cells placed via a percutaneous needle tipped catheter.

  • 2 patents issued.
  • Held research collaboration discussions with European investigators. 


HeartScore www.heartscore.co – Full lineup of cardiovascular diagnostics including genetic tests and @ home and point of care monitoring for developing individualized care for heart failure and cardiovascular patients.

  • Developed Heart Failure Management Program. 

Cardiobridgewww.cardiobridge.com  – circulatory assist pump on catheter. 

  • Held experts panel meeting @ ACC Chicago to design clinical plan.
  • Developed animation video.
  • Prepared regulatory plan
  • Developed reimbursement strategy.
  • Recruited Dr. Leslie Miller to team. 
  • Filed for CE Mark approval. 
  • Presented data on 35 patients at EuroPCR and other meetings. 

PancreaCell – pancreas regeneration

  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro stimulator.
  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro pump.
  • Met with University of Georgia Incubator based potential collaborators.
  • Recruited Dr. Camillo Ricordi of Miami Diabetes Research Institute as an advisor.
  • Assembled large number of supporting scientific articles.
  • Recruited Dr. Nicholas Chronos as an advisor


  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro stimulator.
  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro pump
  • Recruited Laurelle Johson as an advisor.


  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro stimulator.
  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro pump. 


  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro stimulator.
  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro pump


  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro stimulator.
  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro pump.


  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro stimulator.
  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro pump


  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro stimulator.
  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro pump.
  • Secured manufacturing partner for head helmets. 
  • Recruited Derek Kahn to serve as President.
  • Designed clinical protocol and pre-clinical plan. 
  • Files provisional patent applications for follistatin and IGF-1. 
  • Building and testing prototypes in Utah @ Leonhardt’s Launchpads Utah. 
  • Developing working relationship with the University of Northern California. 

MyoStim ED

  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro stimulator.
  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro pump.
  • Lauched beta web site. 

MyoStim Skin

  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro stimulator.
  • Developed manufacturing partnership for micro pump.
  • Developed relationship with Dr. Leif Rogers in Beverly Hills, CA for clinical studies. 


Regenerative Economy Portfolio Updates 


The California Stock Exchangewww.calstockexchange.com – Aspirations to become 1st U.S. social good impact stock exchange  – under development.

  • Secured registered Trademark for The California Stock Exchange TM.
  • Launched Cal-X 30 Social Good Impact Index Fund/Exchange Traded Fund powered by Motif Investing a registered broker dealer. 

The Lions Den TV Show Cal-Xhttp://www.calstockexchange.com/the-lions-den/  – Launched online crowdfunding TV show airingon The Kindheart Lionheart INSPIRATIONAL WORKS TV Network – www.kindheartlionhearttv.com ;

Cal-X Crowdfund Connect – www.calxcrowdfund.com – Crowdfunding campaign building services firm launched.  

Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. – www.calxstars.com – 5 year business accelerator specializing in cardiovascular and social good media innovations.

  • Accelerated progress of 26 regenerative medtech and 4 regenerative economy startups. 
  • Secured 80 business advisors with substantial experience.
  • Secured 37 scientific and clinical advisors with substantial experience.

Cal-Xelerator www.calxelerator.com – 108 day startup launch accelerator.

  • Developed and published comprehensive 15 1/2 week program for startup launch

Leonhardt’s Launchpads NorCal  www.leonhardtslaunchpads.com – Incubator for select few life science companies at University of Northern California Science & Technology Innovation Center.

  • Sapheon Medical that incubated at UNC STIC sold for $238 million to Medtronic Covidien. 
  • Enrolled EyeCell and CerebraCell in Leonhardt’s Launchpads @ UNC STIC at the University of Northern California in Rohnert Park, California (near Santa Rosa 45 minutes north of San Francisco)

Food Trikes and Scooters www.foodtrikesandscooters.com – Solar powered mini food trucks supported by full array of services.

  • Built out and sold first unit.  
  • Developed sales brochure and web site.
  • Secured manufacturing partnerships.  

Wine Country Baseball www.winecountrybaseball.com  + https://leonhardtventures.com/wine-country-baseball.php – Development league for showcasing players hoping to get signed to MLB contracts.

  • Preparing for 7th Annual Wine Country Baseball Classic. 

Cal-Xporthttp://cal-xport.com/  – The “Alibaba” site for California exporters.

  • Launched web site.
  • Promoted UCLA export education programs.
  • Developed TRIP MATCHING SERVICE to help exporting companies make overseas export sales calls at less expense.  Working on developing easy to use APP. 
  • Posted dozens of helpful resource links.

Kindheart Lionheart Media & Publishing www.kindheartlionheart.com – Online book store – inspirational works. Publisher, creator and producer of inspirational content.

  • Advanced forward Dolphin Smiles: The Legend of Kindheart LIonheart via UCLA Writing Program.

Kindheart Lionheart TV Network www.kindheartlionhearttv.com – Inspirational works TV network.

  • Selected programs have more than 2 billion views. 
  • Created 4 original in-house original programs.

Kindheart Lionheart Startup Media Support Services  http://kindheartlionheart.com/startup-media-support-services/ – Media marketing and ad team to help launching startups.  We take part cash and part equity for pay for services.  Primarily producer of company videos.

  • Developed full service studio for producing TV shows, ads, music videos, company videos and short films. 

Radio Veronica USAwww.radioveronicausa.com – Online radio station set up to crowdfund the publishing rights of songs with one tap of your phone.

  • Launched first Facebook based radio station that allows listeners to crowdfund purchase publishing rights of songs. 

The Kindheart Lionheart Radio Showhttps://leonhardtventures.com/khlh-radio.php – Radio show focused on stories of compassion and courage in the marketplace in the era of conscious capitalism.

  • Aired 14 episodes covering stories of compassion and courage in the marketplace, innovators and creators. 

Kindheart Lionheart Adventureswww.lionheartadventures.com – Charitable giving travel company and set of products to help foundations raise funds.

  • Arranged over 24 exciting charitable giving and foundation fund raising adventure pacakages.

Startup California www.startupcalifornia.org –  Startup support services.

  • Over 100 interns signed up into summer startup internship program.
  • Upgraded the Startup Jobs site.
  • Managed 8 state regions.
  • Posted over 4000 posts of information helpful to startups.

LA BioHubwww.labiohub.org –  Life science information hub with plans for a physical incubator in near future for the Los Angeles area.

Lucille’s Cafes Franchising & Licensing Co. https://leonhardtventures.com/lucilles-cafe.php + www.lucillescafes.com – Holding company that holds trademark, franchising, SOPs and recipe rights for the highly successful Lucille’s Cafes.

  • Completed franchise package for restaurant.
  • Designed Lucille’s on Wheels Food Truck.
  • Developed Lucille’s on Wheels full menu.
  • Developed Lucille’s on Wheel’s Mini Food Truck design.
  • Developed Lucille’s on Wheel’s Food Trike design.

Entrepreneurship Party Public Policy Institutewww.entrepreneurshipparty.com – Public policy institute to support entrepreneurs.

2016 Priority List – Goals


>  BioLeonhardt  – heart regeneration.

1.  Finish large animal studies in Spain.

2.  Prepare to launch clinical trials in 2017.

3.  Continue to build patent estate.

>  AortaCell – aorta regeneration.

1.  Finish large animal studies at LABioMed Harbor UCLA.

2.  Initiate pilot OUS clinical studies. 

>  BioPace – biological pacemaker regeneration.

1.  Initiate animal studies with University of Rostock.

>  Valvublator – heart valve regeneration.

1.  Finalize prototypes at University of Utah.

2.  Complete large animal studies. 

3.  Prepare to launch clinical studies in 2017.

>  CoroStim – vibrational energy to prevent clots, plaque, calcification.

1.  Finalize prototypes and lab testing. 

2.  Complete large animal studies. 

3.  Build patent estate. 

>  HeartScore – genomics based heart failure management.

1.  Launch in North American market. 

>  EndoCell – artery regeneration.

1.  Complete translational studies in Italy with Dr. Antonio Colombo with guidance from Dr. Warren Sherman and Dr. Dayu Teng.

>  MyoStim Peripheral – limb blood flow improvement.

>  Initiated progressive aggressive limb salvage trial in Czech Republic. 

>  LVSens – heart sensors.

>  Build and lab test prototypes in Los Angeles and Utah. 

>  Cardiobridge – circulating assist pump (note – not LV controlled)

>  File for 510K for high risk PCI in USA.

>  File for CE Mark in Europe.

>  File to begin heart failure clinical trials in the USA.

>  Leonhardt-Wetling Peripheral – wireless diabetic foot ulcer treatment.

>  File for 510K in USA.

>  Initiated Phase II/III controlled study in the USA. 


>  CerebraCell – brain regeneration.

>  Complete tumorgenecity animal studies in Cleveland, Ohio.

>  Launch OUS pilot clinical trial for stroke recovery.

>  Launch OUS pilot clinical trial for cancer tumor stoppage.

>  Launch OUS pilot clinical trial for cerebral aneurysm repair. 


> Stem Cell Bra – breast regeneration.

>  Finalize sheep study in Argentina.

>  Prepare for pilot OUS clinical trials. 

> DentaCell – dental gum regeneration + tooth pulp storage.

>  Launch tooth pulp storage program in USA.

>  Complete study for pain relief in healing.

>  OrthodontiCell – cuts in half dental brace wearing time

>  Complete large animal studies in Argentina.

>  Launch pilot clinical trial OUS.

>  MyoStim Skin – skin regeneration.

>  Launch pilot clinical trial with Dr. Leif Rogers in Los Angeles. 

>  MyoStim ED – erectile dysfunction treatment.

>  Complete pre-clinical studies with Dr. Nestor Ca-David Gonzalez at LABioMed Harbor UCLA.

>  HairCell – hair regeneration 

>  Complete tumorgencity studies.

>  Launch pilot OUS clinical trial. 

Major Organ Regeneration 

>  EyeCell – eye regeneration.

>  Complete registry study for microcurrent macular degeneration recovery.

>  Launch OUS cornea regeneration study.

>  PancreaCell – pancreas regeneration.

>  Complete cadaver studies at U of Miami with Dr. Camillo Ricordi.

>  Complete large animal studies at U of Georgia with Dr. Nic Chronos.

>  Launch OUS pilot clinical trial in China, Italy and Canada. 

>  RegenaLung – lung regeneration

>  Complete pre-clinical studies.

>  Prepare for OUS pilot clinical trial.

>  LiverCell – liver regeneration.

>  Design final protocol and product.

> KidneyCell – kidney regeneration.

>  Design final protocol and product.

> EarCell – ear hearing regeneration.

>  Deisgn final protocol and producdt.

> BladderCell – bladder regeneration

>  Design final protocol and product. 

>  BioLeonhardt Whole Body Regeneration – Whole body regeneration.

> Find a development partner for this project. 

Cancer Treatment 

>  CancerCell – bioelectric cancer tumor treatment + regeneration.

Note – CerebraCell, RegenaLung, BladderCell, LiverCell, KidneyCell and PancreaCell have the cancer tumor stoppage signals built into their organ specific technology platforms.

>  Complete lab studies.

>  Launch pre-clinical studies.

>  Prepare for 2017 pilot clinical trials. 

Regenerative Economy

>  The California Stock Exchange TM

>  Get more press coverage.  

>  Recruit big names to join us.

>  Increase promotion of iDISCLOSE PPM product sold on commission basis.

>  Increase promotion of WorthWorm pre-money valuation software on commission basis. 

>  Fine tune the Cal-X 30 Social Good Impact Fund after 1 full year of experience.

>  Prepare for stock exchange regulatory filings with a partner.

>  Cal-X Crowdfund Connect

>  Focus on $15K paid crowdfunding marketing assistance campaigns. 

>  Food Trikes and Scooters

>  Hire a sales manager to boost sales. 

> Wine Country Baseball

>  Hold 7th Annual Wine Country Baseball Classic September 29th.

>  Cal-Xport

>  Upgrade web site tools for exporters.

>  Kindheart Lionheart Media & Publishing

>  Get Dolphin Smiles:  The Legend of Kindheart Lionheart published or self publish it.  Send screenplay out to all major studios.

>  Kindheart Lionheart TV Network

>  Film new episodes of Love Roller Coaster.

>  Film California Love series.

>  Film Covers of Great Speeches series.

>  Film Lions Den Startup Pitch Crowdfunding Show. 

>  Film Love Dialogues series.

>  Surpass 3.5 billion views across all programs.

>  Hire advertising sales manager. 

>  Radio Veronica USA

>  Promote crowdfund purchase of portion of publishing rights of songs product.

>  Kindheart Lionheart Adventures

>  Develop a poster and online ad that travel agencies can display.

>  Partner with a major travel agency. 

>  Lucilles’ Cafe’s of America

>  Sell franchises. 

>  Leonhardt’s Launchpads Utah

>  Get lab set up at BioInnovations Gateway.

>  Hire 3 biomedical engineers.

>  Integrate with U of Utah researchers.

>  File for multiple SBIR grants.

Leonhardt’s Launchpads NorCal

>  Support CerebraCell.

>  Support EyeCell.

>  Reorganize Tisugen Therapeutics.

>  Reach out to recruit more local startups.

>  Develop certificate programs in bioengineering modeled after UCLA Extension programs. 

Leonhardt’s Launchpads Georgia

>  Get small office set up at U of Georgia Innovations Gateway supported by a local intern and Dr. Nic Chronos to start at low cost. 


>  Recruit 4 exciting outside startups to join 108 day startup launch bootcamp.


>  Hold a Santa Monica based Life Science startup pitch contest.  Enter our own companies and use truly independent judges.

Startup California

>  Hold crowdfunding and startup finance seminars in San Diego, OC, LA, Santa Barbara, San Jose, San Francisco, Santa Rosa, Sacramento and Lake Tahoe.  Sell iDISCLOSE, Cal-X Crowdfund Connect and WorthWorm as sponsors. 

Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc.

>  Focus on advancing the current 2016 portfolio with patents, supporting data, opinion leader endorsements and positive press.  Build excitement in financial community. 

>  Work on getting blog coverage for our startups. 

>  Recruit Chief Medical Advisors and CEOs for each startup not yet staffed.

>  Help all incubating/accelerating startups pursue SBIR grants. 


Leonhardt Ventures World Medical

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